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The Resilient City Of The Future:
                                    Esenler Nar Innovation District

            and most importantly must take the privacy of its citizens into account. In
            short, cities should focus on UN’s environmental and financial sustainability
            goals, and increase their citizens’ level of welfare (Ahvenniemi et al, 2017).
               Resiliency and smart cities are concepts that support each other on three
            fundamental aspects (Moraci et al 2018): In terms of physical dimension, the
            internet of things, and infrastructure technologies (Abreu et al, 2017). In terms
            of physical aspects, many studies have confirmed that technologies utilized
            in smart cities have a positive effect on the resiliency of cities (de Falco et al,
            2019). In terms of social and environmental aspects, the concept of resiliency
            draws a fundamental framework for the applications that offer sustainable
            and nature-based solutions (Hiller and Blanke, 2017). Table 1 lists the positive
            effects of smart city applications on urban resiliency based on recent studies.

        No   Source          Topic of Research Category     Findings of Research
        1    Fujinawa Kouda and   Resilient Smart   Earth Sciences  Smart cities help prevent disasters
             Noda (2015)     Cities                         and improve resilience against
        2    Gagiulo and Zucaro   Saving Energy   Urban Studies  Energy consumption can be
             (2015)                                         reduced and energy resilience can
                                                            be increased through smart city
        3    Damurski (2016)  e-planning   Urban Studies    Smart city applications can help
                                                            provide more resilient and multi-
                                                            leveled governance.
        4    Kavehvash (2016)  Smart Transport   Engineering  The role of information
                             systems                        technologies in resilient smart
                                                            cities create cost-effective and
                                                            productive infrastructures
        5    Abreu, Velasquez,   The Internet   Telecommunication  In smart cities, there is need for
             Curado and      of Things                      the internet of things applications
             Monteiro (2017)  applications                  to have resilient infrastructures.
        6    Kotevska, Kusne,   Smart cities  Computer and   Smart city applications provide
             Samarov, Lbath and            Information      a certain level of resilience to
             Battou (2017)                 technologies     interruptions in data flow based
                                                            on their scope of application
        7    Moraci, Fazia and   Resilient urban   Environmental   The concept of resilient and smart
             Errigo (2018)   design        Sciences         cities is part of the smart planning
        8    Moraci, Fazia and   Energy Supply  Multidisciplinary  Smart cities help improve the
             Errigo (2018)                                  efficient management of urban
                                                            resources in increasing energy

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