Page 135 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 135

Elçin Sarı - Sevim Pelin Öztürk - İmdat As

            to become a pioneer in digitalization and to this end, plans are underway
            to design the “NAR Innovation District”, a “LIVING CITY LAB” where new
            technologies  will  be  tested  (Kurum,  2022).   The  city  of  the  future,  i.e.,  the
            Esenler  NAR  Innovation  District,  offers  a  resilient  and  durable  urban  living
            zone with its smart city applications, integrated spatial organization, flexible
            spatial uses, smart grid infrastructure, circular waste management systems,
            eco-friendly  modes  of  transportation,  strong-transparent  and  technology-
            based  governance  network,  and  a  structure  ready  to  respond  to  disasters
            such as earthquakes, floods, etc.
               This study examines the practical contributions of Esenler Municipality to
            resilient  cities  literature  through  the  NAR  Innovation  District,  as  well  as  its
            contribution to the urban transformation of Istanbul -- an urban area housing
            the largest population in Europe. The potential natural and socio-economic
            risks that threaten the global city of Istanbul and the district of Esenler will be
            defined, and the potential vulnerabilities of the city will be determined; the
            advantages of resilient, durable planning and design approaches to tackle
            these problems will be compiled through a comprehensive literature review.
            The NAR Innovation District provides a pool of solutions to these important
            challenges, and this study will assess its capacity for resiliency.

               1. Literature Review

               A recent addition to the urban jargon, “resilience”, derives from the Latin
            word, “Resi-lire”, and is defined as the capacity of materials to recover their
            form after a shock they have been exposed to (Simmie and Martin, 2010).
            Although  first  applied  to  the  science  of  ecology  by  the  ecologist  Holling,
            it  was  later  defined  as  “engineering  resilience”  and  ecological  resilience”.
            Engineering resilience refers to the equilibrium of the system after a shock;
            ecological resilience, on the other hand, refers to a new state of equilibrium in
            which the system recovers its functionality in other ways after a shock (Holling,
               As the city is not just an ecological system, but also a social system, the
            concept  was  later  applied  to  social  systems  as  “social  resilience”.  Rather
            than the system’s transition to an equilibrium after a shock, social resilience

            1  Kurum, M. (2022, 11 Şubat). Our ministry has been serving our citizens with the 189 applications
            that have been moved to e-Devlet kapısı [Turkish e-government portal]. We have been working
            hard to make Türkiye a pioneer of digitalization. We have designed “NAR INNOVATION ZONE”
            as a “LIVING CITY AND URBANIZATION LAB” where new technologies will be tested. We have
            prepared application reports in 108 different fields, from electric vehicle infrastructure to smart
            transportation, innovative structure types to smart homes, underground waste collection to urban
            agriculture  [Tweet].  status/1492115053033803780?s=24&t=-

            121  Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate
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