Page 90 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 90

The Role of Carbon Technologies in the
                                        "Net Zero" Target

                         Table 1: The number of CCUS facilities around the World

                                       Operational       Under           Total
                  North America            16              61             76
                     China                 3               3              6
                    Europe                 4               35             39
              Gulf Cooperation Council     3               1              4
                     Other*                2               7              9
                     Total                 28             107            135
                               * Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, South Korea


               In late April, 2021, 44 countries and the European Union announced their
            "net zero" emission target (IEA, 2021). After COP 26 climate summit, Türkiye
            also joined the countries which announced its "net zero" emission target. The
            countries which pledged to have "net zero" carbon emission by 2050 need
            to define their emission mitigation goals in detail by 2030. The 17th article of
            Glasgow Climate Pact states that by 2030, countries must reach a mitigation
            rate of at least 45% compared to 2010. To this end, it is hoped that there will
            be a great deal of improvement in the development and practice of CCUS
            technologies worldwide, thanks to significant climate action funds supported
            by countries and private companies.
               The  contribution  of  CCUS  in  the  transition  to  "net  zero"  emission  is
            expected to increase and, by 2070, is estimated to be responsible for about
            one-sixth of the cumulative emission mitigation (GCCSI, 2021b). Moreover,
            as the industries are moving towards net zero, it is thought that CCUS will
            create new branches of low-carbon industries, which will contribute to local
            economies and facilitate a fair transition. Carbon markets can create a good
            opportunity for capital investment necessary for CCUS practices. It is clear
            that to promote short-term CCUS investments; there is a need for more robust
               When all the projections mentioned above and the potential capacity of
            carbon trading are considered, it will be essential for Türkiye, to evaluate
            the potential for the use of CCUS technologies. This is especially important
            considering Türkiye is a country which, at the end of 2022, declared its
            Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) containing the 2030

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