Page 44 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 44

Global Problem: Climate Change

            (OECD, 2020). For this reason, Türkiye should have been excluded from the
            margins of UNFCCC. Yet, it seems obvious that historical responsibilities have
            changed a great deal since 1992, the year the UNFCCC was signed. However,
            the 10 countries with the highest levels of emissions are still not included in
            Annex-1. Additionally, although the reason for the inclusion of Türkiye in the
            Annexes was the fact that it is an OECD country, four countries which became
            a member of the OECD are still not included in Annex-1. Furthermore, the
            nine of the G-20 countries which represent the biggest economies in the
            world  are  not  included  in  Annex-1  list  (UNFCCC,  2020a,b).  The  reason  for
            Türkiye’s search for justice in the ongoing climate negotiations is this picture.
               Although becoming signatory country of the Kyoto Protocol as of 2009,
            Türkiye is a country without a commitment of greenhouse gas emission
            mitigation in the 1st (2008-2012) and 2nd (2013-2020) Commitment Periods.
            However, as a UNFCCC Annex-1 country, Türkiye is obliged to develop and
            implement policies towards fight against climate change, as well as report
            data on existing greenhouse gas emissions to UNFCCC.

               In the COP16 held in Cancun, Mexico in 2010, the special conditions of
            Türkiye were renewed, and it was suggested that Türkiye is a country eligible
            for financial aid in terms of climate change, for preparation, coastal region
            management, water resources, agriculture, desertification and floodings. As
            part of the decision numbered 1/CP.16, it was decided to support Türkiye
            in  terms  of  finance,  technology,  and  capacity  development,  to  allow  it  to
            implement UNFCCC better (UNFCCC, 2010).
               In the COP17 held in Durban, South Africa in 2011, the special conditions
            of Türkiye were admitted, and with the decision numbered 2/CP.17, it was
            decided  to  continue  work  on  the  support  that  Türkiye  gets  concerning
            mitigation, adaptation, technology development, technology transfer and
            capacity (UNFCCC, 2011).
               In the COP18 held in Doha, Qatar in 2012, with the decision numbered
            1/CP.18, the importance of the decisions taken above was emphasized
            once again, and the Annex-2 countries were called to aid Türkiye, which
            is  an  Annex-1  country  under  special  conditions,  through  their  Nationally
            Determined Contributions and Low Emission Development Strategies. In the
            same decision it was also decided that the UNFCCC secretariat do an analysis
            on the aids Türkiye can get (UNFCCC, 2012).
               In the COP20 held in Lima, Peru in 2014, with the decision numbered 21/
            CP.20, the previous decisions were repeated and on behalf of Türkiye, the
            opportunities offered for aiding Türkiye in mitigation, adaptation, capacity

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