Page 43 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 43

Mehmet Emin Birpınar

            other hand, assumes collaboration with a voluntary basis with market as well
            as non-market mechanisms. It is understood that the parties need to enable
            the transfer of mitigation outcomes among themselves to meet their goals
            of  Nationally  Determined  Contributions  within  a  holistic  and  transparent
            framework. The reflection of the joint goal of the agreement to implementation
            is solidified with the Global Condition Assessment System (Global Stocktake).
            According to the system, data from parties will be collected anonymously in
            a pool, and the situation at hand towards reaching a common goal will be
               This time, the contributions will be made not only among parties of
            developed countries. However, developed countries will lead all parties, and
            provide  them  with  support  if  necessary.  The  financial  mechanism  of  Paris
            Agreement will be provided through the Green Climate Fund, which will be
            utilized to meet the financial needs of developing nations for their mitigation
            and adaptation actions.

               “Türkiye” in the Face of Climate Change

               A member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
            (OECD), Türkiye has been included in the Annex 1 and Annex 2 of the UNFCCC.
            This means being obliged to provide financial, technological, and technical
            aid  to  countries  outside  the  Annexes,  including  China,  Singapore,  South
            Korea, India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Argentina, as well as other oil-rich
            Gulf countries. Additionally, this means undertaking restriction and mitigation
            commitments  that  require  sacrifice  from  economic  growth.  However,  the
            exclusion from the Annex requires consent of all parties, which is an arduous
               Through the steps taken, in our country was excluded from the Annex-2 in
            accordance with the decision  numbered 26/CP.7 during the 7th Conference
            of  the Parties”  (COP7)  held in  Marrakesh  in 2001.  This is  the  reason why
            Türkiye refrained from becoming a party of UNFCCC until 2004, when it finally
            became one.
               However, although the special conditions of our country were admitted,
            Türkiye still remains in Annex-1. Actually, in terms of global greenhouse gas
            emissions, based on the data from Global Carbon Project  (Ritchie, H. and
            Roser, M., 2020b), Türkiye has a relatively low level of historical responsibility
            with a percentage of 0,00064. Türkiye is a developing country with one of the
            lowest greenhouse gas emission rates per person among OECD countries

            5  The decision for Türkiye’s exclusion from Annex-2,

             28  Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate,
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