Page 41 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 41

Mehmet Emin Birpınar

               The Start of the International Fight

               Scientists had actually become aware of climate change much earlier. From
            the 19th century on, certain scientists such as French Joseph Fourier  and Swiss
            chemist,  Svante  August  Arrhenius , realized the overconsumption of fossil
            fuels, and the resulting carbon concentration in the atmosphere, noticing that
            the nature cannot deal with this, and suggesting the rapid mitigation of these
            emissions. However, especially Europe in particular, the world did not heed
            the advice, and rather than mitigate emissions, increased them even more,
            causing a rise in carbon emissions from 5-6 billion tons at the time to 40 billion
            tons today (Rictchie and Roser, 2020b). ,
               The globally increasing greenhouse gases drew attention to climate change.
            Thus, the first ever World Climate Change Conference (WMO, 1979) was held
            in 1979. The ozone-depletion especially over Antarctica,  required immediate
            action on restricting the use of chemicals. Within this framework, the Vieanna
            Convention for the Protection of Ozone Layers (UN, 1985) was signed in 1985.
            The convention was considered the first successful global agreement in the
            field of environment and climate.
               During the ensuing process, a protocol was prepared to limit the use and
            production of substances that cause a depletion in the ozone layer, and to
            establish a healthy monitoring system to this end. Finally, in 1987, the Montreal
            Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone (UN, 1987) was signed.
               Efforts  by  the  international  community  to  fight  global  climate  change
            took a different turn with The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
            (IPCC)  formed by the World Meteorological Organization in 1988 in order
            to provide technical infrastructure to develop climate policies. With the UN
            decision in 1990 to build an framework contract on global climate change,
            the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) was founded, and after
            15  months  of  work,  The  UN  Framework  Convention  on  Climate  Change
            (UNFCCC) , considered the constitution for climate change, was prepared.
               Open for signature as of 1992, the agreement aimed to mitigate greenhouse
            gas emissions, collaboration on technology and preservation of greenhouse
            gas sink areas (such as forests, oceans, etc.). To meet this end, taking the
            level of development, historical responsibilities, developmental priorities

            1  James R. Fleming, (1999) Joseph Fourier the ‘greenhouse effect’, and the quest for a universal
            theory of terrestrial temperatures, Endeavour, 23(2), p. 72-75.
            2  Biography of Mr. Svante August Arrhenius,
            3  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC,
            4  A Brief Introduction to the Climate Change Convention,

             26  Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate,
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