Page 42 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 42

Global Problem: Climate Change

            and special conditions of each party, the UNFCCC principle of “common but
            differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities” was adopted and
            was added to the agreement as annexes with country limitations.
               The  developed  countries  listed  in  Annex  1  are  countries  with  historical
            responsibilities, and thus, are supposed to restrict greenhouse gas emissions,
            improve greenhouse gas sink areas, and report the relevant country data. The
            countries in Annex 2 belong to a subset of Annex-1, and in addition to the
            responsibilities of Annex 1 countries, they have financial responsibilities and
            they are responsible for finance and technology transfer to developing countries
            outside the Annexes.  The countries outside the Annexes are encouraged,
            but not obligated with any responsibilities. UNFCCC is a framework contract
            and covers only a common approach, general responsibilities and guiding
            principles. However, the agreement has final goals, binding restrictions and
               For the efficient application of the agreement, every year a “Conference of
            the Parties” (COP) is held. The first held in Berlin in 1995, the most important
            decision made during the the third (COP3) of these conferences was the Kyoto
            Protocol, which is a tool to determine the extent of mitigation and financial
            demands for each country. Again, in the 21st COP (COP21) held in Paris,
            witnessed the emergence of Paris Climate Agreement, which determined the
            course of action concerning the climate regime after 2020 for the Framework
            Contract (UNFCCC, 2020a,b).
               From Kyoto to Paris

               Different from Kyoto Protocol, which called for emission mitigation in
            developed nations, Paris Climate Agreement called for all countries to
            take responsibility within the scope of conditions and capabilities. Another
            innovation  that  came  with  Paris  Agreement  was  the  specification  of  an
            average global temperature increase goal as opposed to individual goals
            towards emission mitigation. This goal is to keep temperature increase below
            20°C as long as possible compared to pre-industrial period, and to limited
            to maximum 1,5°C. Having a voluntary basis, this system aims to promote
            each party to concentrate their efforts within their capacities to fight climate
            change  with  a  transparent  approach  through  their  Nationally  Determined
            Contributions (NDCs). Thus, the agreement is far from a framework based on
               Another  innovation that came with the  Paris Agreement  is related
            to the implementation mechanisms. The Kyoto Protocol involved three
            different  mechanisms,  namely,  the  Clean  Development  Mechanism,  Joint
            Implementation,  and  Emission  Trading  Systems.  Paris  Agreement,  on  the

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