Page 37 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 37

Mehmet Emin Birpınar

               Giriş: We are crossing the boundaries of our planet

               According  to  the  assessments  of  National  Aeronautics  and  Space
            Administration, our world, which is the only planet that has maintained its
            existence for about 4,6 billion years, the only livable planet with an incredible
            balance has survived countless misfortunes throughout this time, and hosted
            nearly 8,7 million species, including the ones which have become extinct
            (Sweetlove, 2011).
               However, the devepmonts in the last three centuries have caused a rapid
            transformation that is unprecedented in history, causing a disruption in the
            natural balance. What caused this transformation was the humans themselves,
            who are just one of the 8,7 million species.  Human beings, who are constantly
            in pursuit of development, have made life easier with their innovations while
            at the same time, increased the pressure on nature, thus, disrupting the
            ecological balance.
                 Scientists state that we now have entered a new era. This new era witnessing
            human domination is called “The Anthropocene Epoch”. This definition was
            also mentioned in a global report issued by the United Nations Development
            Program (UNDP).
               UNDP,  which  has  been  issuing  human  development  reports  since  1990,
            have blazed a trail with its 30th Human Development Report (UNDP, 2020)
            dated  Dec 15th, 2020.  Contrary  to former  reports,  this  report covered  the
            environmental issues that directly affect the standards of living. The most
            important point that stood out in the report, which also involved assessments
            based on parameters such as carbon footprint as well as material footprint,
            was emphasis on the fact that we have entered the “Anthropocene Epoch”.
               The report stated that human beings now build their own order rather
            than adapting the order of nature, that humans have dominated nature over
            time, which caused a rapid increase in the use of natural resources. Finally,
            according to the report, this increase exceeded the capacity of resources to
            renew themselves, which landed a blow on the ecological balance.
               Throughout history, human beings have built countless buildings, factories,
            bridges, roads, dams, ships, planes, cars and many other structures to make
            their lives easier. They did so by utilizing the resources of the Earth.
               According to the assessments of Making Peace with Nature Report (UNEP,
            2021a) issued on Feb 18th, 2021 by the UN Environment Program (UNEP), in
            the last 50 years alone, the extraction and use of resources tripled, reaching
            an annual amount of 90 billion metric ton. Likewise, the production of primary
            energy and food has tripled since 1970, and as a result of this overconsumption,

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