Page 29 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 29

Zekâi Şen

            water, reaching a total of 39.3 billion m3. On the other hand, 29.3 billion m3
            (75 %) of it is used for irrigation, 5.8 billion m3 (%15) for drinking and daily
            use, 4.2 billion m3 (%10) for industrial purposes. The distribution of specifically
            groundwater is as follows: 2.1 billion m3 is used in irrigation, 1.9 billion m3 for
            irrigation, 2.0 m3 for industrial purposes (Table 1).
                   Total    Development                  Water Use
           Year  Water Use                Irrigation  Drinking-Daily use  Industry
                 (x10  m  )            (x10  m )  (%)  (x10  m )  (%)  (x10  m )  (%)
          1990    30 600       28       22 016   72    5 141    17     3 443    11
          1999    38 900       35       29 200   75    5 700    10     4 000    11
          2000    39 300       36       29 300   75    5 800    15     4 200    10
          2030   110 000      100       71 500   65   25 300    23     13 200   12
                  Table 1: The development of virtual water use in Türkiye till 2030 (Şen, 2009)
               Like in previous climate changes, there could be differences in time and
            regions. For instance, in the future, there will be hurricanes, heavy rains and as
            a result, an increase in the severity and frequency of meteorological disasters
            such  as  floods  and  overflows.  On  the  other  hand,  in  some  other  regions,
            long-term and severe droughts might happen, and as a result, widespread
            desertification may become more common.
               Türkiye is located in the West of sub-tropical continents within the climate
            zone called Mediterranean climate. A peninsula surrounded by water from
            three sides, with an average altitude of 1100 m, Türkiye has sub-climate types.
            The variety in climate types in Türkiye is related to the fact that Türkiye is
            situated  in  a  transition  area  influenced  by  various  pressure  systems  and
            weather types. Physical-geographical features such as complex topographical
            features, which vary in short distances,1.9 billion m3 used in irrigation can also
            be added to these factors.
               It is predicted that Türkiye will be affected negatively by the scarcity of water
            resources, forest fires, droughts and desertification, and ensuing ecological
            disruptions. In international essays and IPCC reports, Türkiye is seen in the risk
            group in terms of the potential negative effects of global warming (IPCC, 2007).
            However, based on our research, it is concluded that this is not the case and
            with a national climate change study, the behaviors of different geographical
            regions against climate change may be determined, and accordingly, relevant
            future projections could be made.
               Recently, there is overwhelming evidence that the main reasons for the
            increased number of disasters such as forest fires, withered trees, and pest

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