Page 27 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 27

Zekâi Şen

            and fulfill their responsibilities for social, economic and political benefits as
            well as advantages to international relationships. In this respect, it is expected
            to take into account the important points in IPCC reports as guidance and
            reduce them to five points of interest, namely, industry, services, basic services/
            infrastructure, human settlement and social problems.
               There are certain obvious effects of climate change on services. A case in
            point is the changes in the need for cooling and heating of commercial and
            public buildings (including hospitals and schools). Climate change has quite
            speculative effects on inter-zonal trade. Climate change may also cause
            interruptions in transportation activities, which play an important role in
            national and international trade (Figure 3).

                                      Shifts in trade shares

                       More effected regions           Less effected regions

                     Decreased                               Increased
                     Comparative                             comparative
                     advantage       Environmental Migration  advantage

                    Figure 3: The General effects of climate change on international trade
               In Norway, for instance, due to excessive exposure, transportation costs
            could increase due to delays and cancellations in train rides in private and
            public sector, change of routes and interruptions in other activities.

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