Page 26 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 26

Climate Change And Türkiye

            at a reduced rate such as coal, petroleum, diesel fuel, etc. as economically
            as possible in energy, industry, agriculture, transportation, construction and
            waste practices. Instead, renewable energy sources should be utilized such as
            hydroelectric, solar, wind, geothermal power, nuclear energy, etc.
               Mitigation  against climate change in all sectors of life, the following points
            should be taken into consideration:
                 1.  Places that may be exposed to climate change should be conserved.
                 2.  In terms of preserving certain geographical regions, precautions
                     should be taken against floods and overflows in coastal regions and
                 3.  A special conservation plan must be developed against the effects
                     of climate change on residential areas, where the population is over
                     the threshold values.
                 4.  Sector-specific  protective  plans  must  be  developed  against  the
                     effects  of  climate  change  on  tourism,  finance,  agriculture  and
                     industry sectors, which are sensitive to climatic conditions.
               In all the measures mentioned above, direct or indirect connections should
            be  taken  into  consideration  between  systems  (on  flood,  overflow,  drought
            and health) as well as between regions.
               The parts in the IPCC reports dedicated to social settlements must be
            utilized in the infra-structure practices in the fields of the settlement, energy
            and industry.

               Climate Change and Sectors

               World  leaders  met  in  Stockholm  in  1972,  Rio  de  Janeiro  in  1992  and
            Johannesburg in 2002 and came to an agreement on the effects of climate
            change. In line with this agreement, all resources including water should be
            managed  more  rationally,  efficiently,  intensively  and  wisely  in  meeting  the
            long-term needs of people.
               Water and the hydroelectric power, which are at the center of the energy
            policies, have often become the focus of the debates on sustainability.
            The World Commission on Dams (1998-2000)  suggests constructing small
            Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPP) rather than large ones. Instead, it was
            recommended to follow a more comprehensive process in the planning,
            development and management of water and energy projects.
               In order to reduce and manage the effects of climate change, global
            warming and GHGs, there are individual and common responsibilities that fall
            upon various sectors. All sectors of life should be sensitive to such situations

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