Page 130 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 130
Urban Cold Space Cooling Capacity
and Max_LST. However, there was a very weak relationship in the negative
direction between GRASS_T and Max_LST (r= -0,116, p<0,05). This meant that
as GRASS_T and Grass_M decrease, Max_LST increase (Table 4).
Normalized difference vegetation index
As the presence of vegetation increases, there is a relationship in the
negative direction between Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI),
whose value got closer to 1, and A_LST (r= -0,321, p<0,01) and Min_LST(r=
-0,309, p<0,05), and a weak relationship in the positive direction with SD_LST
(r=0,285, p<0,01). As the NDBI value increases, LST decreases and SD_LST
increases. Additionally, it was not possible to identify a statistically meaningful
relationship with 95% reliability between NDBI and Max_LST (Table 4).
Table 4: Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient (r)
Category Variable A_LST Min_LST Max_LST SD_LST
The presence NDVI -,321** -,309** ,285**
of vegetation
and spatial T_T -,123** -,102*
arrangement T_N -,658** -,706** ,362** ,698**
T_M -,123** -,102** -,033** ,070**
T_Av -,460** -,403** ,384**
GRASS_T -,116*
GRASS_N -,647** -,725** ,450** ,751**
GRASS_M -,117*
Grass_Av -,405* -,399** 0,391**
Land cover Water_T -,125** -,106* -,093*
and spatial
arrangement Water_N -,125** -,105* -,094*
Water_M -,125** -,106* -,093*
Water_Av -,125** -,105* -0,094*
NDBI ,374** ,352** -,302**
Characteristics C_S -,797** -,873** ,463** ,915**
C_P -,782 ** -,862** ,469** ,905**
(**p<0,01; *p<0,05)
Year 1 / Issue 1 / Jan 2022 115