Page 126 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 126

Urban Cold Space Cooling Capacity

               The variables affecting the cooling capacity of urban cool areas in the study
            were defined as average LST (A_LST), minimum LST (Min_LST), maximum LST
            (Max_LST) and standard deviation LST (SD_LST). These variables are calculated
            using the LST values of the grids within each urban cool area polygon. Since
            the study adopts urban cool area polygons as a scale, average LST values
            alone were deemed insufficient for identifying cooling capacity. Thus, other
            explanatory statistical values were also utilized. Variables regarding spatial
            features were classified into three categories, namely, (1) the presence (Ng et
            al, 2012, Maimaitiyiming et al, 2014, Kuşçu Şimşek and Şengezer, 2012) and
            spatial arrangement (Ren et al, 2013, Kong et al, 2014, Maimaitiyiming et al,
            2014) of green areas, (2) the presence (Cheng et al, 2015, Du et al, 2016, Kong
            et al, 2014) and spatial arrangement of land cover, and (3) the characteristics of
            cooling capacity (Cao et al, 2010, Kong et al, 2014, Lin et al, 2015).
               While the data set was being formed, data generated in various resolutions
            through remote sensing was reduced to a patch scale for each variable. In other
            words, the data was produced through the calculation of average, maximum,
            minimum or standard deviation values for each urban cool area polygon.
            For instance, A_LTS, NDVI, and NDBI values were calculated by calculating
            the average of the NDVI and NDBI of grids within each urban cooling area.
            Thus, values belonging to grids in various sizes are interpolated according to
            the cooling area patches making up the study scale. The variables related to
            tree, grass or water surfaces, on the other hand, are determined through the
            calculation of the sum, average, maximum value and standard deviation of the
            spatial size of each urban area polygon. To illustrate, the total forest surface
            refers to the total square meters of the forest-covered surface areas within
            each urban cooling area. The characteristics of urban cooling area are defined
            through the calculation of field scope (in square meters) and perimeter of
            each urban cool area polygon (Table 2).
                                Table 2: The variables used in the study

          Category         Variable      Abbreviation            Explanation
        The presence    NDVI                NDVI       Normalize Difference Vegetation Index
         and spatial
       arrangement of   Forest Surface  Total  T_T    Total tree-covered patch in square meter
                                 Number     T_N         Total number of tree-covered patch
                                   Max      T_M      The maximum tree-covered patch in square
                     Grass Surface  Total  Grass_T    Total grass covered patch in square meter
                                 Number   Grass _N      Total number of grass-covered patch
                                   Max    Grass _M   The maximum grass-covered patch in square

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