Page 113 - Çevre Şehir ve İklim Dergisi - Sayı 3
P. 113


                      Zeki Ünal YÜMÜN - Erol KAM - Melike ÖNCE
       The increase in nutrients (nutrients) in the seas, sudden changes in water temperature and low water current
       cause a significant proliferation of algae and other phytoplankton. These microorganisms form a transparent,
       sticky jelly-like substance known as sea snot. The mucilage cover, which covers the water surface and causes
       photosynthesis to stop partially or completely in the aquatic environment, reduces the dissolved oxygen ratio
       in the water. Mass deaths occur in creatures living in marine environments with low oxygen levels. With the
       addition of the remains of dead creatures to the sea snot, the mucilage turns into a substance that emits a bad
       odor in the environment. This situation is also seen in the Marmara Sea from time to time and creates a serious
       environmental problem. In order to investigate the causes of this problem, samples were taken from the waters
       discharged into the sea, sea snot and sea water and necessary analyzes were made. The pH value of mucilage
       is between 6.65-7.12, and the pH value of sea water is between 7.88-8.25. According to the analysis results, it
       was determined that the mucilage sample was acidic and the seawater sample was basic. By adding nitrogen
       and phosphorus fertilizers to the sea water, the acidity of the water and the mucilage was monitored. In this
       experiment, it was observed that the pH value of mucilage decreased to 6.15-6.55 and the pH value of sea water
       decreased to 7.15-7.25, making the environment acidic and increasing the electrical conductivity.
       In order not to increase pollution in seas or lakes, untreated water should not be discharged into these
       environments and the flow of sea water should be increased if possible. The Sea of   Marmara had the ability to
       clean itself up to the present day due to the water currents from the Dardanelles and Istanbul Straits. However,
       recently, the agents polluting the Sea of   Marmara have increased due to the increasing industrialization in
       the region, increasing population, increase in ship traffic and the increase in fertilizers and pesticides used in
       agricultural activities. These pollution increases are above the self-cleaning capacity of the sea, and the pollution
       of the sea is inevitable. For this reason, it is of vital importance not to discharge wastewater into the sea and to
       increase controls in agricultural activities and ship traffic in order to solve the environmental problems of the
       Sea of   Marmara. In addition, providing clean water to the sea through natural or artificial waterways should be
       investigated in order to increase the water flow of the Sea of   Marmara and to dilute the water pollution.
       Keywords: Mucilage, Sea Snot, Marine Pollution, Eutrophication Marmara Sea

                   Doç. Dr., Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Çorlu Mühendislik Fakültesi, Çevre Mühendisliği
                                  ORCID ID:
                            Prof. Dr. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü
                                  ORCID ID:
                     Öğr. Gör. Dr., Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Saray MYO Tapu ve Kadastro Bölümü
                                  ORCID ID:
                   Makale Atıf Bilgisi: Yümün, Z. Ü., Kam, E. ve Önce M. (2023). “Marmara Denizi'nde Deniz Sal-
                                     yası (Müsilaj) Kompozisyonu Bulguları Işığında Salya Oluşma Nedenleri ve
                                     Çözüm Önerileri”. Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi. Yıl: 2. Sayı: 3. ss. 98-115.
                        Makale Türü:  Araştırma
                         Geliş Tarihi:  10.11.2022
                        Kabul Tarihi:  30.12.2022
                         Yayın Tarihi:  31.01.2023
                       Yayın Sezonu:  Ocak 2023

            98  Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi  Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi
                              Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Çevre | Ocak 2023 | Sayı: 3
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