Page 49 - BukresSozlesmesi
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E. Alternative Production, Waste Treatment Te- ANNEX V
constituents of substances listed in Annex I and C. Characteristics of Discharge Site and Recei- chnologies or Management Practices
of other substances as appropriate. ving Environment BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES AND BEST
1. Recycling, recovery and reuse opportunities.
7. Physical, chemical and biochemical proper- 1. Hydrographic, meteorological, geological ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICE
ties of the waste emissions. and topographical characteristics of the coas- 2. Less hazardous or non-hazardous raw mate- In accordance with the provisions of Articles 2,
tal area. rial substitution. 5, 7, 8 and 9 of this Protocol the Contracting
B. Characteristics of Discharge Constituents
with Respect to their Harmfulness 2. Location and type of the discharge (outfall, 3. Substitution of cleaner alternative activities Parties shall utilize or promote the application
canal outlet, etc.) and its relation to other are- or products. of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best En-
1. Persistence (physical, chemical, biological) in vironmental Practice (BEP).
the marine environment. as (such as amenity areas, spawning, nursery, 4. Low-waste or clean technologies or proces-
and fishing areas, shellfish grounds) and other ses. A. Best Available Techniques
2. Toxicity and other harmful effects. emissions.
5. Alternative disposal activities (for example 1. The use of BAT shall emphasize the use of
3. Accumulation in biological materials or se- 3. Initial dilution achieved at the point of disc- on land disposal). non-waste technology, if available.
diments. harge into the receiving environment.
F. Potential Impairment of Marine Ecosystems 2. In determining whether a set of processes,
4. Biochemical transformation producing har- 4. Dispersion characteristics such as effects of and Seawater Uses facilities and methods of operation constitute
mful compounds. currents, tides and wind on horizontal transport the BAT in general or individual cases, special
5. Adverse effects on the oxygen content and and vertical mixing. 1. Effects on human health through pollution consideration shall be given to:
impact on
balance. 5. Receiving water characteristics with respect a) Comparable processes, facilities or methods
6. Susceptibility to physical, chemical and bioc- to physical, chemical, biological and ecological a) Edible marine organisms; of operation which have recently been succes-
hemical changes and interaction in the aquatic conditions in the discharge area. 6. Capacity b) Bathing waters; and sfully tried out;
environment with other seawater constituents of the receiving marine environment to receive c) Aesthetics. b) Technological advances and changes in
which may produce harmful biological or other waste emissions without undesirable effects. scientific knowledge and understanding;
effects on any of the uses listed in Section F D. Characteristics of the Activity or Source Ca- 2. Effects on marine and coastal ecosystems, in
below. tegory particular living resources, endangered species c) The economic feasibility of such techniques;
and critical habitats. 3. Effects on other legiti-
7. All other characteristics as listed in Annex I, 1. Performance of existing technologies and mate uses of the sea. d) Time limits for installation in both new and
Section C. management practices, including indigenous existing plants;
technologies and management practices. e) The nature and volume of the emissions and
emissions concerned; and
2. Age of facilities.
f) The precautionary principle.
3. Existing economic, social and cultural cha-
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