Page 45 - BukresSozlesmesi
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 29. Waste and wastewater (municipal and in-  8. Biocides and their derivatives;  C. Characteristics of Substances  ANNEX II
 dustrial) management; an
 9. Pathogenic microorganisms;  In the preparation of action plans, programmes   DIFFUSE  SOURCES  OF  POLLUTION  FROM
 30. Any coastal activity and works which cause   10. Endocrine disrupting substances;  and  measures  the  Contracting  Parties  shall   AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY
 physical alteration of the natural state of the   take into account, where relevant, the following
 coastline or destruction of habitats.  11. Crude oils and hydrocarbons of petroleum   characteristics and factors:  A. Definitions
 B. Categories of Substances  1. Persistence;  For the purposes of this Annex
 12. Cyanides and fluorides;
 In the preparation of action plans, programmes   2. Toxicity or other noxious properties (e.g. car-  1. “Diffuse sources of pollution from agricultu-
 and measures the Contracting Parties shall use  13.  Non-biodegradable  detergents  and  other   cinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity);  re” means diffuse sources of pollution origina-
 as guidance the following categories of subs-  non-biodegradable surface-active substances;  ting from the cultivation of crops and rearing of
 tances  identified  on  the  basis  of  their  hazar-  14. Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and   3. Bioaccumulation;  domesticated animals, excluding intensive ani-
 dous or otherwise harmful characteristics:  other substances which may cause eutrophica-  4. Radioactivity;  mal rearing operations that would otherwise be
 1. Organohalogen compounds and substances,  tion;  5. Ratio between observed concentrations and   defined as point sources;
 which may form such compounds in the mari-  15.  Litter  (any  persistent  manufactured  or   no observed effect concentrations (NOEC);  2. “Diffuse sources of pollution from forestry”
 ne environment. Priority will be given to Aldrin,   processed  solid  material  which  is  discarded,   6. Potential for causing eutrophication;  means diffuse sources of pollution originating
 Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Dioxins and Furans,   disposed of, or abandoned in the marine envi-  from forestry activities; and
 Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Mirex,   ronment and coastal areas);  7. Health effects and risks;  3. “Best management practices” means econo-
 PCBs and Toxaphene;  8. Transboundary significance;  mical and achievable  structural  or  non-struc-
 16. Thermal emissions;
 2.  Organophosphorus  compounds  and  subs-  9.  Risk  of  undesirable  changes  in  the  marine   tural measures designed to prevent, reduce or
 tances which may form such compounds in the   17. Acid or alkaline compounds which may im-  ecosystem  and  irreversibility  or  durability  of   control the run-off of pollutants.
 marine environment;  pair the quality of water;  effects;  B.  Plans  for  the  Prevention,  Reduction  and
 3. Organotin compounds and substances whi-  18. Non-toxic substances that have an adver-  10.  Negative  impacts  on  marine  life  and  the   Control  of  Diffuse  Sources  of  Pollution  from
 ch  may  form  such  compounds  in  the  marine   se effect on the oxygen content of the marine   sustainable use of living resources or another   Agriculture and Forestry
 environment;  environment;  legitimate uses of the sea;  Each Contracting Party shall no later than five
 4. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;  19.  Non-toxic  substances  that  may  interfere   11. Effects on the taste or smell of marine pro-  years after this Protocol enters into force, de-
 with any legitimate use of the sea; and   velop  policies  and  plans,  and  establish  legal
 5. Heavy metals and their compounds;  ducts intended for human consumption;
 20.  Non-toxic  substances  that  may  have  ad-  and economic mechanisms for the prevention,
 6. Used lubricating oils;  verse effects on the physical or chemical cha-  12. Effects on the smell, colour, transparency or  reduction and control of pollution of the Black

 7. Radioactive substances;  racteristics of seawater.  other characteristics of seawater; and  Sea from diffuse sources of pollution from agri-
       13.  Distribution  pattern  (i.e.  quantities  invol-  culture and forestry that may adversely affect
       ved,  use  patterns  and  probability  of  reaching   the marine environment or coastal areas of the
       the marine environment).            Black Sea. Such policies, plans and mechanis-

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