Page 47 - BukresSozlesmesi
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 ms shall address, in particular, diffuse sources   b) The  development  and  promotion  of   ment and coastal areas by other means.  deposition of substances, as well as in the com-
 of pollution containing nutrients (nitrogen and   economic  and  non-economic  incentive   2.  This  Protocol  shall  also  apply  to  polluting   pilation of inventories of quantities and rates of
 phosphorus),  pesticides,  sediments  and  pat-  programmes  to  increase  the  use  of  best  ma-  emissions  into  the  atmosphere  affecting  the   pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from
 hogens. Plans should include inter alia the fol-  nagement  practices  to  prevent,  reduce  and   marine environment and coastal areas of the   land-based sources.
 lowing elements:  control  pollution  of  the  marine  environment   Black  Sea  from  land-based  sources  and  acti-  6. All Articles of this Protocol shall apply equ-
 and  coastal  areas  of  the  Black  Sea  from  dif-
 1.  An  assessment  and  evaluation  of  diffuse   vities within the territories of the Contracting  ally to pollution from land-based sources and
 sources  of  pollution  from  agriculture  and  fo-  fuse sources of pollution from agriculture and   Parties.  activities transported through the atmosphere
 restry that may adversely affect the marine en-  forestry.  3. In the case of pollution of the marine envi-  wherever applicable and subject to the conditi-
 vironment and coastal areas of the Black Sea,   C. Reporting  ronment  and  coastal  areas  of  the  Black  Sea   ons specified in paragraph 1 above.
 Each Contracting Party shall report on its plans   from land-based sources and activities throu-  ANNEX IV
 a) An estimation of loadings that may adversely   for  prevention,  reduction  and  control  of  pol-  gh the atmosphere, the provisions of Articles 4
 affect the marine environment and coastal are-  lution of the marine environment and coastal   and 7 of this Protocol shall apply progressively  AUTHORISATION  AND  REGULATION  OF
 as of the Black Sea;  areas of the Black Sea from diffuse sources of   to appropriate activities and substances listed  EMISSIONS
 pollution from agriculture and forestry in accor-  in Annex I to this Protocol as will be agreed by
 b) An identification of associated environmen-  the Contracting Parties.  Pursuant  to  Article  7  (paragraph  3)  of  this
 tal  impacts  and  potential  risks to  human  he-  dance with Article 16 of this Protocol.  Protocol, the Contracting Parties when consi-
 alth;  ANNEX III  4. Subject to the conditions specified in parag-  dering the issue of an authorisation or regula-
 c) An evaluation of the existing administrative   POLLUTION TRANSPORTED THROUGH THE   raph 1 above, the provisions of Article 6 (pa-  tion of the emissions containing substances of
       ragraph1) of this Protocol shall also apply to:  concern listed in Annex I to this Protocol, shall
 framework to manage diffuse sources of pollu-  ATMOSPHERE  a) Emissions - quantity and rate - of substances  evaluate and consider, as the case may be, the
 tion from agriculture and forestry;  emitted to the atmosphere, on the basis of the  following factors:
 This Annex defines the conditions of applicati-
 d) An evaluation of existing best management   on of this Protocol to pollution from land-based   information  available  to  the  Contracting  Par-  A.  Characteristics  and  Composition  of  the
 practices and their effectiveness; and  ties concerning the location and distribution of
 sources and activities transported through the   Emissions
 e)  The  establishment  of  monitoring  program-  atmosphere in terms of Article 3 (paragraph ii).  air pollution sources; b) The content of substan-  1. Type and size of point or diffuse source (e.g.
 mes.  ces of concern in fuel and raw materials; c) The
 1. This Protocol shall apply to polluting emis-  efficiency of air pollution control technologies   industrial process).
 2.  Policy,  legislative  and  economic  measures   sions into the atmosphere under the following   and more efficient manufacturing and fuel bur-  2. Type of emissions (e.g. origin, average com-
 including:  conditions:  a) The  discharged  substance  is  or   ning processes; and d) The application of subs-  position).

 a) An assessment and evaluation of adequacy   could  be  transported  to  the  marine  environ-  tances of concern in agriculture and forestry.  3. State of waste (e.g. solid, liquid, sludge, slur-
 of plans, policies and legal mechanisms direc-  ment and coastal areas of the Black Sea under   5. The provisions of Annex IV to this Protocol   ry).
 ted toward the management of diffuse sources   prevailing meteorological conditions; and   shall apply to pollution through the atmosphe-
 of pollution from agriculture and forestry and   b) The input of the substance into the marine   re whenever appropriate. Air pollution monito-  4.  Total  amount  (volume  discharged,  e.g.  per
 the development of a plan to implement such   environment and coastal areas of the Black Sea   ring and modelling using acceptable common   year).
 modifications as may be necessary to achieve   is hazardous in relation to the quantities of the   emission  factors  and  methodologies  shall  be  5. Discharge pattern (continuous, intermittent,
 best management practices; and  same substance reaching the marine environ-  carried out in the assessment of atmospheric  seasonally variable, etc.).

                                            6.  Concentrations  with  respect  to  relevant

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