Page 245 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 245

Ahmet Yakut - Barış Binici

               The most common damage observed in the building stock in our country
            is due to soft / weak storey (Yakut et al. 2022, ODTÜ 2023). Less rigidity and
            less strength occuring as a result of using no infill walls on the ground floors
            that  are  higher  than  other  floors  and/or  used  as  a  store  compared  to  the
            upper floors leads to such damage. The main cause of this damage, which is
            often seen in various earthquakes, is not to take into account this aspect in
            the design and to fail to perform required reinforcement detailing at the end
            sections of the element. Figure 1 shows examples of soft storey/weak storey
            damage  observed  in  past  earthquakes  (Dogangun  2004,  Yakut  et  al.  2022,
            Bayraktar et al. 2015, ODTÜ 2011).

                            a)                                b)

                           a                                   b

                           c                                   d
               Figure 1. Soft/weak storey damages observed in past earthquakes; a) 1999 Kocaeli
             earthquake, b) 2003 Bingol earthquake, c) 2011 Van earthquake, d) 2020 Izmir earthquake

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