Page 244 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 244
General Properties and Seismic Performance of High Risk Buildings in
Our Country
Seismic Performance of Our Existing RC Building Stock and Factors Lead-
ing to Damage
Considering the properties and behavior of the BA building stock in our
country, there is a consensus by researchers that pre-2000 buildings constitute
the major risk group. Therefore, properties and seismic performance of the
buildings that were constructed before 2000 will be discussed in detail.
The typical causes of damage observed in buildings before 2000 have
been examined by many researchers and are summarized below (Yakut et al.
2022, Bayraktar et al. 2015, Scawthorn 2000, Spence at al. 2003, ODTÜ 2011,
METU 2020):
• Failing to design the buildings in accordance with the applicable
regulations and standards.
• Insufficient concrete used in the buildings in terms of strength and
• Insufficient detailing
• No confinement at the joints and potential hinge sections of the element
• Not using 135 degree hooks in stirrups
• Insufficient quality of workmanship
• Architectural factors
• Soft storey
• Excessive overhangs
• Torsional irregularity
• Short columns
• Attached buildings
• Frame discontinuity
• Inappropriate structural system selection and placement
• Inadequate inspection
• Lower earthquake effects specified in the current regulations
Despite our buildings being exposed to lesser effects than the design
earthquakes, the resulting poor performance after Bingöl (2003), Van (2011),
Elazığ (2020) and İzmir (2020) earthquakes experienced in the last twenty years,
has given us a warning about the high risks of our pre-2000 buildings due to
the above-mentioned deficiencies (METU 2020, ODTÜ 2011, Yakut et al. 2022,
Yakut et al. 2005). February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes created an impact
below and above the design earthquake levels in many places and caused a
fairly high level of damage on our high-risk buildings that were exposed to
these effects (ODTÜ 2023, İTÜ 2023, BOU 2023).
Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023 233