Page 229 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 229

Sezayi Köse - Zeynep Ayan - Ebru Vural
                                   Kübra Özcivan - Yeşim Koçdemir

            identifies the areas that pose a risk, initiates the transformation process, can
            directly use the powers and responsibilities granted to it by Law, or transfer
            the  authority  to  local  governments  or  other  institutions  and  organizations
            for various processes. It was first aimed to achieve successful and fast results
            within the scope of transformation, and, with the entry into force of Law No.
            6306 and Article 6 / A, transformation processes underwent many changes
            and successful results are started to be achieved.

               4. Disaster Preparedness Process with Urban Transformation Applications
               in İstanbul
               Before  the  Law  No.  6306,  urban  transformation  applications  in  certain
            regions  of  İstanbul  were  conducted  by  the  Public  Housing  Administration,
            the Governorship and local governments in the scope of the Anti-Squatting
            Law No. 775 and the Article 73 of Municipal Law No. 5393. These practices
            have  been  inefficient  in  completing  the  transformation  processes  due  to
            the  presence  of  gaps  in  the  relevant  laws  of  the  period  and  the  inability
            to  adequately  respond  to  the  problems  that  may  be  encountered  in  the
            intervention areas.
               Since 2012 when Law No. 6306 entered into force, District Municipalities
            were assigned for performing the transformation activities for 48 out of 68
            high  risk  areas,  and  Metropolitan  Municipality  for  8  high  risk  areas,  TOKİ
            for 1 high risk area; while District Municipalities were authorised for 139 out
            of  217  reserve  building  areas,  Metropolitan  Municipality  for  4  and  Private
            Organisations for 3 and TOKİ for 2 reserve building areas in order to construct
            disaster-resilient buildings and create a liveable and qualified environment.
            Within  this  scope,  urban  transformation  projects  have  been  completed  or
            are ongoing in a total of 87 areas, including 73 projects performed by the
            Ministry and 14 projects in cooperation with Ministry and the Private Sector
            in  39  districts  of  İstanbul  in  the  10-year  period  (Ministry  of  Environment,
            Urbanization and Climate Change, 2023).
               Considering  the  annual  process  in  İstanbul,  27.044  buildings  have  been
            transformed on turn-key basis by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization
            and Climate Change, beneficiaries and private sector, transformation of totally
            800,152 independent units were completed including 8,135 independent units
            regenerated out of the scope of Law No. 6306 and 764,973 high risk buildings
            that were transformed. On the other hand, as for the works ongoing at site,
            totally 165,732 independent units are still under the transformation process
            performed together by private sector, 114.351 of which is conducted by the
            Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change including 100,681
            buildings under project designing process, 4.745 buildings under tendering

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