Page 227 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 227

Sezayi Köse - Zeynep Ayan - Ebru Vural
                                   Kübra Özcivan - Yeşim Koçdemir

            with  the  amendment  authorizing  Metropolitan  Municipalities  to  declare
            urban transformation and development areas within the boundaries of the
            metropolitan municipality and the adjacent areas, the scope of the authority
            to declare such areas was extended.
               While  this  process  was  ongoing,  644  citizens  lost  their  lives  and  1966
            citizens were injured in the earthquakes that occurred subsequently with the
            epicenter at Van Erciş on 23.10.2011 and at Van Edremit on 9.11.2011. 2,307
            structures were destroyed as a result of the earthquakes which caused quite
            devastating damage due to the building stock type of the region. In the field
            studies carried out after the earthquake, it was determined that approximately
            31,870 houses, 8,849 workplaces and 9,602 barns were severely damaged, and
            the demolition process was initiated, and the construction of safe housing for
            33,663 disaster victims directly affected by the destruction in the region was
            launched and conducted in a fast way (www.afad. , 2023).
               Considering  the  period  after  Van  earthquake  in  terms  of  legal  and
            administrative  aspects,  the  necessity  of  legal  arrangements  indicated  by
            the  lessons  learnt  from  the  practices  conducted  before  the  earthquake
            became obvious once again, and thus a draft law was prepared by Public
            Works, Zoning, Transportation and Tourism Commission under Turkish Grand
            National Assembly. As specified in “General Preamble” of this draft law, the
            regions that were exposed to or are likely to be exposed to the disaster risk are
            identified within the scope of Law no. 7269 in force, and declared as “disaster-
            prone zone” and it is planned to evacuate the houses and workplaces in such
            “disaster-prone zones” and to transfer them to other regions. This situation
            requires a large-scale evacuation and transportation process, which result in
            too much expenditures. In addition, the declaration of a region as a “disaster-
            prone zone” disrupts the normal flow of life in this region, makes it necessary
            to take some “extraordinary” measures and also leads to social problems.
            For this reason, new legal arrangements were needed that would allow the
            structures in these areas to be transformed and, if necessary, to be transferred
            to other places, primarily on the basis of “volunteering” without the needing
            to declare it as a disaster-prone region. As it can be perceived from this, the
            main purpose of the Law No. 6306 in force has been determined as conducting
            the urban transformation activities on the basis of area and parcel, without
            allowing the formation of areas requiring intervention.
               Law No. 6306 on the Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk entered
            into  force  with  the  Official  Gazette  no.  28309  of  31.05.2012  provides  the
            opportunity to determine the area that is subjected to the implementation by
            addressing the urban transformation process in 3 concepts including high risk
            areas, reserve building areas and high risk buildings.

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