Page 203 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 203

Nur Sinem Partigöç

                 a.  The Case of India: Within the scope of the ‘Smart Cities Mission’
                    initiative  launched  in  2015,  studies  are  being  carried  out  for
                    modernizing urban life and improving the quality of life through the
                    use of information and communication technologies.
                 b.  The Case of Singapore:  Within  the  scope  of  the  ‘Smart  Nation’
                    initiative  launched  in  2014,  urban  planning  and  management
                    applications are conducted with the establishment of a national
                    sensor network and increasing the data storage capacity.
                 c.  The Case of England: Within the scope of the ‘Innovate UK’ project
                    launched in 2012, it is revealed how information and communication
                    technologies will play a role in urban life with the participation of
                    different shareholders in 30 cities.
                 d.  The Case Of The United States Of America: In the scope of ‘Smart
                    Cities’  initiative  launched  in  2015,  it  was  mainly  aimed  to  expand
                    the range of the applications of Internet of Things (IoT), and ‘Smart
                    Cities and Communities Framework’ was introduced as a result of the
                    studies performed in cooperation with public and private sector.
                 e.  The  Case  of  Türkiye:  In  the  scope  of  ‘Smart  Cities  Strategy  and
                    Feasibility  Study  Project’  launched  in  2015  and  conducted  by  the
                    Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the goals were set such as
                    determining the environment and urbanization vision of the country,
                    expanding the field of use of technological opportunities, encouraging
                    the local administrations to develop smart city strategies, gathering
                    all shareholders in digital platforms in the management of cities. In
                    addition, starting from the target indicators of e-Transformation
                    Turkey Project (2003), the Government Emergency Action Plan (2003),
                    the  Information  Society  Strategy  Document  (2006  –  2010),  10th
                    Development Plan (2014 - 2018), 2003 - 2023 Strategy Paper, Smart
                    Municipality Summits, Smart Cities Congress, Transformation to Smart
                    Cities Action Plan, Digital Europe Platform, the projects such as the
                    digital  transformations  targeted  until  the  year  2025  (use  of  cloud
                    computing, data literacy, opening of master’s degree programs on
                    digital technologies, expansion of remote education models, etc.) can
                    be given as examples for the projects that are and/or will applied in
                    central and local levels where smart cities approach is adopted as well
                    as urban planning processes are realised.
               Unlike the cities where smart city technologies are used and have achieved
            success, there are many failed smart city applications around the world. When
            these failed examples are examined in general, it can be clearly revealed that
            they have certain common features. These features may be listed as such that

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