Page 201 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 201

Nur Sinem Partigöç

               As a result of the rapid change and transformation in the field of Information
            and Communication Technologies (ICT), reasonable solutions have started
            to be found for the problems experienced in urban areas. When urban
            infrastructures  are  taken  into  consideration  after  the  2000s,  it  is  observed
            that technology-oriented investments have increased in urban areas and
            that cities are an application area for new technologies. Starting from this
            point, the purpose of this study has been determined as to reveal how the
            smart city applications and technological innovations developed within
            sustainability are affecting the city planning process. Comprehensive studies
            were  conducted  on  the  subject  by  means  of  qualitative  research  method
            using national and international application examples from the sources and
            the obtained findings were evaluated in the scope of city planning discipline.
            Within  the  specified  scope,  the  study  focused  on  the  concept  of  smart
            city, Society 5.0 concept, role of smart cities in the process of disaster risk
            management, strengths and opportunities provided by using the information
            and communication technologies for urban development, strengths and
            opportunities  provided  by  using  the  artificial  intelligence  applications  for
            sustainable urban development, the impact of big data applications on the
            smart cities and risk management processes and the application examples.

               1. The Effects of Smart City Approach on the Urban Development Process

               According to statistics by the United Nations, 200,000 people migrate to
            urban areas per day worldwide, and the rate of urbanization at the global
            level has increased by 6 times between 1950 and 2020. Moreover, by 2050,
            66% of the world’s population is expected to live in cities, with most of the
            growth occurring in developing countries (United Nations, 2020). As can be
            perceived from the figures given, managing the limited resources effectively
            and  efficiently  in  the  face  of  unlimited  human  needs  and  performing  the
            sustainable urbanization processes will only be possible with innovative and
            intelligent solutions.
               It is important to examine smart development strategies, which find a place
            in the city planning discipline, particularly for settlements and to integrate
            them into the planning and design process. It has been observed that the
            approaches  starting  from  new  urbanism  movement  in  1990s  and  being
            introduced with different contents until today (Sustainable Cities, Ecological
            Cities, Green Cities, Smart Growth, Liveable Cities, Digital Cities, etc.) put
            forward various solutions regarding the city planning processes which has
            been changed and improved along the time. Among the mentioned planning
            approaches,  the  Smart  City  approach  reconsiders  settlements  within  the
            framework of technological adaptation and ecological sensitivity in the face
            of intensive consumption elements (Sınmaz, 2013).

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