Page 196 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 196

Exemplary Civilization in Sustainable Water Management from
                         The Perspective of Environmental History: The Ottoman State

               Yılmaz,  Ö.  F.  (2012).  Osmanlı’nın  Hicaz’da  Deniz  Suyu  Arıtma  Tesisleri  Projesi.
               [Ottoman’s Project of Sea Water Treatment Plants in Hejaz] Çamlıca Basım Yayın,
               İstanbul, 5-24. Access number: 940622.
               Zehir, C. (2000). “Su Medeniyetinin Tarihi Gelişimi” [The Historical Development of
               Water Civilization]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ottoman Water
               Civilization, 173-181.

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