Page 66 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 66

Water Sensitivity In The Context Of
                                     Climate-Friendly Urbanism

            beneficial as natural corridors, synthetic corridors offer many advantages in
            terms of environmental quality and aesthetics through their interaction with
            the water, soil and plants inside them (Figure 5).

             Figure 5: The relationship between transportation corridors and water management in the city.
               For  the  cities  to  maximize  these  profits,  the  embankments  of  these
            corridors  in  different  width  and  declinations  must  be  densely  forested.  In
            addition, through multi-layered vegetation, these areas should be rendered
            able to absorb carbon as well as other pollutants. Moreover, through the use
            of not only ligneous plants, but also herbaceous plants and geophytes, these
            areas should be transformed into productive landscape. In this green texture,
            evaporation from the leaves of plants and the water they absorb from the
            soil  makes  it  possible  to  support  natural  water  cycle  as  well  as  facilitating
            drainage. The erosion risk posed by rainwater taken under control can be
            prevented with the terracing on the embankments of these corridors.
               The highway corridors are giant lines that are hundreds of kilometers long
            and  their  platform  width  ranges  from  8-12  meters  to  25-35  meters.  When
            water  harvest  is  taken  into  consideration,  the  water  harvested  from  the
            impermeable surfaces here can be used to meet many needs in the city. The
            regulations allow water harvest from a minimum of 1000 m2, so the source of
            water reaching up to millions of m2 offered by the transportation corridors
            in the city is worth considering. Water harvested from road corridors in this
            way can be transported through the drainage structures mentioned in the
            technical specifications of General Directorate of Highways, or can be cleaned
            further, filtered, and partially sent back to nature and collected in swales. The
            water running through the swales can be filtered once more in the clovers on
            the median strips on the highways or in the water capturing ponds built in
            its route and offered to the use of the city. The wetland created by the water
            coming from such a large surface forms a habitat for the fauna, and it can also
            be transformed into recreation areas for people where they walk around and
            have a rest.

                                                                  Year 1 / Issue 2 / July 2022  52
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