Page 246 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 246

Where Do Strong Winds And Storms Stand
                                  In The Context Of Climate Change?

            ruined lives. Three people got lost in the storms (MGM, 2021). News that the
            semi-tropical storm off the shore of Libya could head towards Türkiye was also
            included in meteorological reports. When the storm, which was considered
            the first semi-tropical storm in Türkiye, reached the Aegean shores of Türkiye,
            it  suddenly  turned  towards  the  Peloponnese  Peninsula.  It  was  understood
            that the wind would lose its speed and as anticipated, the storm did not cause
            serious negative or deadly effects in our country. In the following years, in a
            storm in the North of Greece, it was reported that 6 tourist died and at least
            30 people were injured (BBC News, 2021). On September 19th, 2020, when
            Hurricane Lanos hit the Thessaly region of Greece, life stopped, leading to 2
            people’s death and 1 person getting lost. According to reports, especially the
            elderly suffered from the storm most. Additionally, a woman who drove her
            car despite the constant warnings by the fire fighters was reported to have
            got lost. People do not know how to deal with storms as they have not been
            exposed to such intensity for a long time, and they ignore the warnings of the
            administrators. Türkiye is also included in this change.
               In  Türkiye,  during  the  reconstruction  period  centered  around  civil
            administration in the area of disaster administration in the 2009s, important
            governance mechanisms were created. Depending on the disaster type, it is
            the public administrator’s duty to prepare city-scale strategical action plans
            involving preparation, planning, timely and proper intervention, management
            and improvement and reconstruction, and to update these plans and share
            them with public.
               There are not any comprehensive practices concerning the administrative
            steps to be taken concerning storm, such as the ones mentioned above. For
            this reason, integrated disaster administration analysis with a multidisciplinary
            study method should be the main purpose. Although not faced in Türkiye
            before,  the  new  nature-based  threats  require  the  creation  of  professional
            communication support and new design structures in buildings as due to the
            government’s  responsibility  to  maintain  public  safety.  However,  there  is  no
            administrative law recorded on the issue.
               The storm phenomenon revealed itself with a speed that aptly deserves
            the expression “faster than the greased lightning”. On September 26th-28th
            2018, the need emerged for the announcement of severe storms in the West
            coasts of Türkiye, and the expectation of a storm became the nightmare of
            the public for a while (CNNTÜRK, 2018). Although the storm was less intense
            than expected, it led to a rise in sea levels and overflows in the coast. In Izmir,
            for instance, the storm hit Alsancak Pier, and prevented it from functioning.
            As  a  result,  public  services  were  interrupted.  In  other  words,  although  the

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