Page 17 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 17

Elif Özlem Aydın


                             We have been learning time and again through the incidents we
                             witness that life is finite for human beings. Built environment that we
                             construct through planning, architecture and engineering are the
                             most concrete testimonials that we hand down to next generations.
                             In fact, they are the existing traces of volumes of written documents.
               The sustainable existence of the living beings in the world depends on their
            adaptation to nature. The efforts of living things to survive in their habitat,
            i.e.  the  world,  shapes  nature.  Living  beings  which  can  not  only  think,  but
            also move may be accepted as the species that have the biggest effect on
            the transformation of the world. Humankind has shaped this world for ages
            to maintain their existence. It is possible to say that according to recorded
            history, the most important formation and transformation in nature took place
            with the Industrial Revolution in the 19 century. The transformation that the
            world experienced after the Industrial Revolution in all fields from agriculture
            and food to education, architecture to urbanization, production to finance,
            and transportation to logistics has recently gained momentum with the age
            of information and technology (2022).
               The  biggest  transformation  in  terms  of  architecture  and  urbanization  was
            also  experienced  with  the  Industrial  Revolution.  Especially  in  the  field  of
            industrialization, the standardization of steel increased the possibility of making
            high and large span structures, and the discovery of reinforced concrete made
            it possible to build populous cities. In industrialized cities with increased job
            opportunities,  architecture  and  urbanization  rapidly  improved  and  cities
            expanded. The most crowded city of human history was recorded in 1700 as
            Ayutthaya in Thailand, with a population of 1.000.000 at the time (Kültür servisi
            web  site,  2022).  Considered  the  city  where  Industrial  Revolution  originated,
            London had a population of 2.320.000 in (Kültür servisi web site, 2022). The
            population of New York in 1925 was 7.740.000 (Kültür servisi web site, 2022), while
            Tokyo had a population of approximately 37.732.000 in 2021 A.D (Wikipedia web
            site,2022), making it one of the most crowded cities of our day. With the Industrial
            Revolution, in 200 years, which can be considered a relatively short period, the
            population of the most crowded city in the world increased twentyfold. This is
            directly related to easy access to communication and transportation facilities,
            and the rapid increase in the exchange of information and technology transfer.
            The growing population in the cities increases urban development and triggers
            social dynamics, also causing environmental problems.
               This  study  explains  the  concept  of  resilient  settlement,  reviews  the
            transformations experienced due to critical periods in recorded history which
            can be called “revolution” as they witness productions that humankinds see

             3  Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate
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