Page 101 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 101

Burcu Hiçyılmaz - Sedat Alataş - Etem Karakaya

            a share of 20%. However, if the electricity and heat (energy sector) emissions
            are allocated to the final sectors, as in panel (b) of Figure 3, the industry sector
            is responsible for 40% of global carbon emissions and becomes the largest
            emitting sector (IEA, 2021a).

                        (a) energy (electricity & heat)   (b) energy (electricity & heat)
                             separated                     allocated

                          Energy (electricity & heat)   Buildings   Industry
                                                      Transport  Others
                            Figure 3: Global CO2 Emissions by Sectors (2019)
                                       Source: IEA (2021a)

               Figure  3  reveals  two  important  observations.  First  of  all,  it  explains  the
            reason  why  countries  prioritize  goals  such  as  improvements  in  energy
            efficiency and renewable energy as their mitigation policies (panel a) (Allwood
            et al, 2011; Allwood et al, 2013; Aidt et al, 2017; Alataş et al, 2021a-b; Karakaya
            et al, 2021). Secondly, it also shows that as the industry is an energy-intensive
            sector (Figure b), it might play a critical role in the transition to a low-carbon
            economy,  and  significantly  contribute  to  the  net-zero  emissions  targets.  In
            this regard, strategies that ignore the industrial sector emissions and heavily
            prioritize  energy  or  transport  sectors’  oriented  mitigation  policies  might
            hinder decarbonization (Denis-Ryan et al, 2016; OECD/ IEA, 2017; Davis et al,
            2018; Bataille et al, 2018; ME, 2019; Bataille, 2020).
               Not  only  the  development  of  industrial  emissions  from  the  past  to  the
            current  but  also  their  future  projections  reveal  why  this  sector  plays  an
            important role in decarbonization. For instance, according to the IEA report,
            the direct emissions from industry were 5000 MtCO2 in 2000. However, it is now
            above 8000 MtCO2 in 2020. More importantly, according to the sustainable
            development  scenario  projections  for  2030  and  2070,  the  energy  sector
            emissions  are  estimated  to  achieve  the  net-zero  target  by  2070.  However,
            the same projection does not apply to industrial emissions (OECD/IEA, 2017;
            IEA, 2020b; IEA, 2021c). In this regard, it is obvious that developing a holistic
            climate and industrial strategy for the industrial sector is essential for the fight
            against climate change.

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