Page 106 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 106

Industrial Decarbonization:
                                The Role Of Material Efficiency Strategies
               2. Strategies that will Provide Material Efficiency

               The increased demand for goods and services means an increase in the
            demand for materials needed to provide these goods and services in various
            industries.Increasing  material  demand  means  that  this  material  is  met  by
            extracting  it  from  nature..  Thus,  the  increased  demand  for  materials  and
            products also brings about environmental problems such as greenhouse gas
            emissions and the exhaustion of resources.
               Throughout  their  life  cycles,  materials  are  not  managed  effectively.For
            example,  through  appropriate  planning  during  the  product  design  and
            manufacturing  phase,  it  will  be  possible  to  reuse  and  recycle  the  material
            contained in the product when it comes to the end of life stage.. Therefore,
            raising awareness of material efficiency in all life cycle stages of the product
            will play an important role in protecting resources and reducing emissions.
            This can be achieved by applying the right strategies at the right stages. (Ho
            et al, 2019: 1-2; Allwood et al, 2011).
               Material efficiency strategies are measures, plans and applications aimed
            atreducing the need for material in the supply of goods that providethe same
            or higher performance. Material efficiency strategies will not only decrease the
            need for emission-intensive materials, but also reduce energy consumption
            for climate action if combined with clean energy strategies (IRP, 2020a: 11).
            Thus, it will contribute to environmental sustainability in addition to increasing
            competitive  power  through  its  cost-effectiveness.  Examples  of  material
            efficiency  include  designing  smaller,  lighter  and  more  durable  products,
            preventing  extreme  material  supply,  repairing  the  existing  products,  more
            intensive use of products, applying many re-use methods, and recycling.
               Studies in literature mentions many material efficiency strategies, from the
            use  of  low-emission  materials  to  recycling.  These  studies  can  be  classified
            under two groups:(i) focus on a specific product (building, car, etc.) or a sector
            (Hertwich et al, 2019; Ho et al, 2019; Pauliuk et al, 2021; Ho et al, 2021; Wolfram
            et al, 2021), and (ii) comprehensively discuss strategies towards product life
            cycle stages including the material supply chain processes (Allwood et al.,
            2011; Lifset and Eckelman, 2013; IRP, 2020a; IEA, 2019; Marrone and Montella,
            2021).  In  order  to  understand  material  efficiency  strategies,  first  of  all,  the
            stages  of  product  life  cycle  must  be  understood.  Then,  it  is  beneficial  to
            analyze the IRP (2020a) and IEA (2019) studies focusing on strategies to be
            adopted according to stages in detail.
               Evaluating the product life cycle is a systematic approach that identifies
            the energy, materials and waste used throughout the life cycle, and evaluates
            the environmental burdens concerning the product, process or activity (Ding,

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