Page 107 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 107

Burcu Hiçyılmaz - Sedat Alataş - Etem Karakaya

            2014: 10). Just like a live organism, products have a life cycle as well, and
            the lifespan of a product is usually analyzed by dividing it into stages. The
            product life cycle of a material involves all the stages from the extraction of
            the material from nature to its final form as a waste. The number of stages
            may vary from minimum four to maximum nine stages according to different
            approaches  (Qureshi  et  al,  2014:  226).  IRP  (2020a:  26)  suggests  that  it  is
            possible to mention six main stages: Extracting the main material from nature,
            processing, fabrication, manufacture, use, and end-of-life. As seen in Figure 6,
            a product life cycle starts with the extraction of the raw material from nature.
            The second stage comprises processing the raw material and making it ready
            to be used in semi-finished product. The material obtained from this stage is
            used at the third stage, in the production of the semi-finished product, which
            is to be used in the production of the final product, though not in itself a final
            product. At the forth stage, these bulk products are used in the manufacture
            of the final product to be used for final consumption or investment. In the sixth
            and final stage, the product life comes to an end and waste is generated.In
            addition to these, scrap emerges in the second, third, fourth and sixth stages.


                           Processing               Manufacturing

                      from nature                           Use

                            material                 End-of-Life     Final
                             input                                  disposal

                                Figure 6: The Stages of a Product Life
                         Source: Prepared by the writers based on IRP (2020a:26)
               Another definition of stages was provided by IEA (2019). IEA (2019: 8) made
            a more intensive definition, dividing similar stages into four stages based on
            value chain: Design stage, production stage, use stage, and the end-of-life .

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