Page 112 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 112

Industrial Decarbonization:
                                The Role Of Material Efficiency Strategies

            insight into material use at the design stage. Moreover, reducing strategies
            for production and use stages, repairing strategies for the use stage, recycling
            strategies for end-of-life stages, reuse strategies for use and end-of-life stages
            have been identified as convenient.
               The compliance of a product’s end-of-life with these strategies is actually
            the subject of the product’s design stage.Therefore, the end of a product’s life
            should be planned starting from the design stage of the product (Gehin et al,
            2008). As also emphasized in the design stage, designs for the environment
            should be developed by taking into account the factors such as ensuring the
            reuse of the product at the end of its life and facilitating its recycling.This will
            facilitate the applicability of the end-of-life strategies as well.

                    (D + P + U)
                                                  Second Hand
                     Repair       Applicable before end-of-
                     (D + U)        life of a product
                     (D + E)
                                                   Relocating   Use in a similar product with
                                                                   little renewal
                    (D + U + E)
                                                                Use in a similar product with
                                                   Refurbishing  intensive repair and maintenance
                                                                 Use in a different type of
                                                   Cascading     product with little renewal
                                  Applicable at the end-of-
                                    life of a product
                                                                  Use in a different type of
                                                   Reforming   product with intensive repair and

                                                Recovery of the lifespan and the
                                                 components of a product

                                  Figure 7: 4R Strategies Scheme 1
               For the four stages, not all the material efficiency strategies summarized
            here may be utilized all at once in the relevant production stage of a product.
            Thus,  literature  contains  sectoral  strategies  aiming  at  a  specific  product
            (buildings, cars, etc.) or material (cement, steel, plastic, etc.). The strategies
            that stand out for particular sectors are summarized in Table 1. This table also
            displays how suitable suggested strategies are for certain stages in the last
            1  For further information see King et al, (2006), Mohanty, (2011), Goyal et al, (2018), Vermeulen et
            al, (2019), Morseletto (2020).

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