Page 78 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 78

The Role of Carbon Technologies in the
                                        "Net Zero" Target

            defined objectives with minimal costs (Bui et al., 2018; GCCSI, 2016)2016 has
            been characterised by a number of significant successes but also brings into
            stark contrast some serious challenges. The Paris Agreement lays a sound
            foundation on which the world can build its climate change mitigation actions.
            We know that the targets volunteered by countries at the Paris Conference of
            Parties (COP.
               As  of  Nov  9,  2021,  18  out  of  the  123  countries  that  submitted  their
            Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) include CCUS technologies. On
            the same date, 33 out of 44 countries which submitted their Long Term Low
            Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy (LTSs) stated that they will
            contain CCUS technologies as a mitigation activity. Moreover, the application
            details in Article 6 of Paris Rulebook, which was finalized with COP26, have
            been completed to a great extent. Article 6.2 on international emission trade
            and Article 6.4 on the review of Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM)
            accreditation standards and practices and the adoption of new procedures
            and methodologies to replace CDM are impartial in terms of technologies.
            Thus, it would be fair to suggest that they refer to CCUS technologies. In
            addition, in COP26, the decision to “phase-down unabated coal (other fossil
            fuels were not covered)“, would make way for CCUS technologies.
               This  article  aims  to  provide  a  summary  of  the  contribution  of  CCUS
            technologies in reaching the “net zero“ carbon emission target. First of all,
            the remaining carbon budget to keep global temperature increase below
            2°C compared to pre-industrial levels is revealed. Next, CCUS technologies
            is defined and how they will contribute to the “net zero“ target is explained.
            Then, information is provided on the role of CCUS technologies in branches
            of industry where emission mitigation is hard. Finally, capacity of current and
            future  CCUS  facilities  to  remove  CO  from the atmosphere is mentioned
            and  the  role  of  CCUS  technologies  in  reaching  neutral  carbon  balance  is

               Global CO  Emissions
               In order to keep global warming below the desired temperature levels, there
            appears to be a fixed amount of carbon that can be released in the World.
            This fact is exhibited in detail in Figure 1, prepared by Intergovernmental
            Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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