Page 173 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 173

Deniz Kaymak - Merih Aydınalp Köksal


               Aviation, which constituted only a small portion of the transport sector
            in  the  1950s,  currently  plays  an  essential  role  in  financial  development  of
            countries by connecting continents for business, tourism, trade, defense
            and humane purposes. According to the annual reports of International Civil
            Aviation Agency (ICAO), the number of passengers was 0.6 billion people
            in  1980,  which rose to  4.1  billion  in  2017.  Thus,  the total  global  revenue
            traffic including the international and domestic flight services exceeded 945
            billion RTK  and increased by 6% in the last five years. The same year, the
            airway operation revenues of the ICAO member countries increased by 150%
            compared to the levels in 2000, reaching 757 billion dollars (ICAO, 2000-2017;
            ICAO, 2017). Moreover, according to a report issued by Boeing, it is estimated
            that the worldwide passenger traffic will increase by 5% and this upward trend
            will continue in the next 20 years (Boeing, 2013). Aviation sector in Türkiye
            started to develop and grow with the beginning of liberalization policies and
            subsidies to private companies. Thanks to the policies implemented, private
            companies were introduced to the sector, which was dominated by Turkish
            Airlines until the 2000s. After 2003, the precautions in this field were put to
            use and stability was maintained in the sector. Thus, aviation sector became
            an important part of the economic development of Türkiye.
               The 2018 activity report by Directorate General of Civil Aviation, there are
            11 commercial airlines and 57 airports in Türkiye. According to ICAO 2017
            End of Year Report, Türkiye ranks 12th in the list of World RPK , and 11th in
            list of World RTK. According to air traffic data in these reports, there has been
            a much greater increase in passenger, plane and cargo traffic in Türkiye in
            recent years compared to World averages.
               Studies  by  industrial  and  regional  institutions  on  air  traffic  on  air  traffic
            growth  up  to  date  contain  certain  regional  air  traffic  estimates  and  route-
            based  air  traffic  developments.  These  studies  include  Türkiye  in  European
            region as the changes in the country’s aviation sector are quite stable due
            to its geographical position. However, despite being a part of Europe, the
            overall growth trend in Turkish civil aviation does not follow the growth trend of
            Europe. The rapid growth experienced by European aviation sector took place
            between 1970 and 2000, while Türkiye experienced the same kind of growth

            1   RTK (Revenue Tonne per Kilometer): The unit of volume in aviation industry equal to 1 revenue
            tonne of cargo (passenger and/ or cargo) transported 1 kilometer.
            2   RPK (Revenue Passenfer per Kilometer): The unit of volume in aviation industry equal to 1 reve-
            nue passenger transported 1 kilometer.

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