Page 77 - Çevre Şehir ve İklim Dergisi - Sayı 3
P. 77
Due to the growing adverse effects of global production and consumption, reducing natural
resource utilization and other environmental impacts throughout the product life cycle has
become a matter of great importance. During the last decades, ecolabels have emerged as a viable
strategic communication tool for environmentally friendly products. To be awarded a guaranteed
ecolabel, goods and services must meet high environmental standards throughout their entire
life cycle: from raw material extraction through production and distribution to disposal. In
recent years, Turkiye’s environmental label system was established by the Environmental
Label Regulation published in the Official Gazette numbered 30570, dated October 19, 2018,
in harmonization with the EU Ecolabel Regulation (66/2010/EC). The Turkish Environmental
Labelling System is a Type 1 Ecolabel scheme in which all activities are carried out in accordance
with ISO 14024 standards. The Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change is
the implementing institution for the Turkish Environmental Label System. To date, the Ministry
has published Environmental Label criteria for the following product categories: tourist lodging
services, cleaning papers, textiles, ceramic coating, hand washing dishwashing detergents,
personal care and cosmetic products, glass products, laundry detergents, and dishwasher
detergents and awarded seven product categories for using the Environmental Label. The
Ministry plans to publish Environmental Label criteria for paint varnish, natural stone, hygiene
goods, and hard surface cleaner product groups by the end of 2023 and continue with other
products and services. In this article, firstly, general information on eco-labelling systems is
given, then the Environmental Labeling System of Turkiye is introduced.
Keywords: Sustainable Production and Consumption, Circular Economy, Green Deal, Ecolabel,
Turkish Environmental Label System
Makale Atıf Bilgisi: Birpınar, M. E., Yetiş Ü., vd. (2023). “Sürdürülebilir Üretim ve
Tüketimde Eko-Etiketlerin Önemi: Türkiye Çevre Etiket
Sistemi”. Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi. Yıl: 2. Sayı: 3. ss. 60-81.
Makale Türü: Araştırma
Geliş Tarihi: 10.11.2022
Kabul Tarihi: 30.12.2022
Yayın Tarihi: 31.01.2023
Yayın Sezonu: Ocak 2023
62 Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi
Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Çevre | Ocak 2023 | Sayı: 3