Page 34 - Faaliyet Bülteni İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 34

General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations / Bulletin

            Noting  that  the  excessive  accumulation  and  high        climate-friendly urban transformation, with a ‘zero waste’
            consumption  rate  lead  to  transportation,  shelter,       culture that embraces all people and is based on savings
            environment,  air  and  water  pollution  problems  in  cities,   and compassion.”
            Minister Kurum said, “Yesterday’s world that said ‘all people
            are  of  one  spirit’  has  been  replaced  by  a  world  where   Kurum  pointed  out  that  Mrs.  Emine  Erdoğan  and  United
            millions  of  people  experience  physical  problems  and    Nations  Secretary-General  Antonio  Guterres  signed
            spiritual crises. What an excellent saying is: “A benevolent   a  declaration  of  goodwill  for  the  dissemination  of  the
            state will be shadow for its people when they are left in the   “Zero Waste Project” in the world, and in this sense, it was
            sun, it will be a cardigan in the cold, it will have bread in   promised to support all kinds of initiatives that encourage
            hunger, job in poverty, and food at the dining table”. Based   zero  waste.  Minister  Kurum  thanked  Maimunah  Mohd
            on the meaning contained in this saying, the solution of     Sharif,  UN  Human  Settlements  Program  (UN-Habitat)
            the  problems  experienced  on  a  global  scale  is  possible   Executive  Director,  and  those  who  contributed  to  the
            with social housings where a life worthy of human dignity    program, mentioning his belief in a fairer world.
            is maintained all over the world, with environmental and

                       Deputy Minister of Environment,                                           UN Habitat
                      Urbanization and Climate Change                                         Executive Director
                                Fatma Varank                                              Maimunah Mohd Sharif

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