Page 34 - BukresSozlesmesi
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       Article 4                            e)  Promote  cooperation  between  and  among   adoption and implementation of:     for coastal outfalls, taking into account, in par-
       General Obligations                  the Contracting Parties in environmental impa-  i)  emission  controls,  including  emission  limit   ticular, the methods used for treatment of eff-
                                            ct assessment procedures related to activities                                      luents;
       1. The Contracting Parties shall individually or  under their jurisdiction  or control, which are   values for relevant substances, environmental
                                                                                           quality  standards  and  environmental  quality  b) Special requirements for effluents necessita-
       jointly take all appropriate measures in accor-  likely to have a significant adverse effect on the   objectives,  as  well  as  management  practices  ting separate treatment;
       dance  with  the  provisions  of  the  Convention  marine environment of other States, on the ba-  based on the factors defined in Annex I; and
       and Protocols in force to prevent, control and  sis of exchange of information; and                                      c)  The  quality  of  sea-water  used  for  specific
       to the maximum extent possible eliminate pol-  f) Endeavour to apply the integrated manage-  ii)  timetables  for  achieving  the  limits,  mana-  purposes that is necessary for the protection of
       lution of and other adverse effects on the ma-  ment of coastal zones and watersheds.  gement practices and measures agreed by the  human health, living resources and ecosystems;
       rine environment or coastal areas of the Black                                      Contracting Parties; and             d) The control and progressive replacement of
       Sea from land-based sources and activities.  3. The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to   c) Utilize or promote BAT and BEP and the app-  products, installations and industrial and other
                                            cooperate,  as  appropriate,  with  other  States
       2. The Contracting Parties shall, in particular:  sharing  watercourses  flowing  into  the  Black   lication of, access to and transfer of environ-  processes  causing  significant  pollution  of  the
       a) Apply the precautionary principle, by virtue  Sea, in order to achieve the objectives of this   mentally  sound  technology,  including  cleaner  marine environment and coastal areas; and
                                                                                           production, taking into account the social, eco-
       of which where there are threats of serious or  Protocol.                           nomic and technological conditions and criteria   e) Specific requirements concerning the quan-
       irreversible  damage  to  the  environment  or  to   4. The Contracting Parties shall take preventive   set forth in Annex V. 2. The provisions of this   tities  of  the  substances  discharged  (listed  in
       public  health,  lack  of  full  scientific  certainty   measures to reduce to the minimum the risk of   Protocol shall not affect the right of the Contra-  Annex  I), their  concentration  in  effluents  and
       shall  not  be  used  as  a  reason  for  postponing   pollution caused by industrial accidents.  cting Parties individually or jointly to adopt and   methods  of  discharging  them  in  accordance
       cost effective measures to prevent such dama-                                       implement more stringent measures than those   with BAT and BEP.
       ge;                                  Article 5                                      provided for in this Protocol. 3. Each Contrac-  2. The regional programmes and plans of action
       b) Apply the polluter pays principle, by virtue of   Measures of Implementation     ting Party shall designate a national authority  referred to in Article 5 (paragraph 1.a) of this
       which the costs of pollution prevention, control                                    to coordinate the implementation of the provi-  Protocol shall be elaborated and implemented
       and reduction measures are to be borne by the  1. In implementing this Protocol, the Contrac-  sions of this Protocol in its territory and under  taking into consideration the following:
       polluter, with due regard to the public interest;  ting Parties shall:              its  jurisdiction  and  to  communicate  with  the   a)  The  common  emission  limit  values,  envi-
       c) Ensure that activities which are likely to ca-  a) Adopt national and regional programmes or                          ronmental quality standards or environmental
       use a significant adverse impact on the marine  plans of actions based on source control and   Article 6                 quality objectives, as well as timetables for the
       environment and coastal areas are made sub-  containing  measures  and,  where  appropriate,                             implementation of the measures aimed at pre-
       ject to environmental impact assessment and  timetables for their completion. In developing   Common Guidelines and Standards  venting, reducing or eliminating, as appropria-
       a  prior  authorization  by  competent  national  such programmes or plans they shall take into                          te, pollution from land-based sources and ac-
       authorities;                         consideration  provisions  and  recommendati-  1. In conformity with Article XV of the Conven-  tivities shall be established by the Contracting
                                            ons of the Global Programme of Action for the   tion, the Contracting Parties shall progressively   Parties and periodically reviewed for substan-
       d)  Ensure  that  environmental  considerations,   Protection  of  the  Marine  Environment  from   formulate and adopt, in cooperation with com-  ces listed in Annex I to this Protocol; and
       including health aspects, are thoroughly taken   Land-Based Activities;             petent  international  organisations,  common
       into  account  in  the  development  of  relevant                                   guidelines  and,  as  appropriate,  standards  or   b) The Commission shall define criteria as well
       plans and programmes, inter alia by means of  b)  Address  activities  and  substances  listed  in   criteria dealing in particular with:  as recommend appropriate measures to redu-
       strategic environmental assessment;  Annex I through the progressive development,                                        ce, control and eliminate pollution of and the
                                                                                           a) The length, depth and position of pipelines

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