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       Article 2                            capable of causing significant adverse effect on   “Environmental  quality  standard”  means  the   Article 3
       Definitions                          the  environment  including  effects  on  human   concentration of a particular pollutant or group   Scope of Application
                                            health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water,
                                                                                           of pollutants in water, sediment or biota, which
       For the purposes of this Protocol:   climate, landscape and historical monuments    should not be exceeded in order to protect hu-  Pursuant to Article VII of the Convention and
                                            or other physical structures or the interaction   man health and the environment;
       “Convention”  means  the  Convention  on  the   among  these  factors;  they  also  include  effe-                      with the objective to protect and preserve:
       Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution,   cts on the cultural heritage or socio-economic   “Environmental  quality  objective”  means  a   a) The marine environment of the Black Sea,
       adopted at Bucharest on 21 April 1992;  conditions  resulting  from  alterations  to  those   goal, which specifies a desirable target for en-
       “Commission” means the body referred to in Ar-  factors;                            vironmental quality that should be met in some   b)  Coastal  areas  of  the  Black  Sea,  including
                                                                                                                               brackish waters, coastal waters, marshes, and
       ticle XVII of the Convention;        “Hot spot” means a limited and definable local   particular environment, such as a river, beach   coastal lagoons, and
                                                                                           or industrial site;
       “Contracting  Party”  means  any  Party  to  the   land area, stretch of surface water or specific                      c) Ground waters communicating with the Bla-
       Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea   aquifer  that  is  subject  to  excessive  pollution   “Land-based sources” means point and diffuse   ck Sea.
       against Pollution that has become a party to   and necessitates priority attention in order to   sources on land from which substances or ener-
       this Protocol;                       prevent or reduce the actual or potential ad-  gy reach the maritime area by water, through   This Protocol shall apply to:
                                            verse impacts on human health, ecosystems or   the air, or directly from the coast;
       “Best  available  techniques  (BAT)”  means  the   natural  resources  and  amenities  of  economic                     i) Emissions of polluting substances originating
       latest stage of development (state of the art)   importance;                        “Point  sources”  means  sources  of  pollution   from land-based point and diffuse sources that
       of  processes,  facilities  or  methods  of  operati-                               where  emissions  and  releases  are  introduced   may have a measurable adverse effect on the
       on, which indicate the practical suitability of a   “Emission” means any kind of discharges, efflu-  into  the  environment  from  any  discernible,   marine  environment  or  coastal  areas  of  the
       particular  measure  for  limiting  emissions  and   ents or releases of polluting substances into the   confined  and  discrete  conveyance,  including   Black Sea. These emissions shall include those
       waste.                               water, air or soil;                            but  not  limited  to  pipes,  outfalls,  channels,   which reach the marine environment through
                                                                                           ditches, tunnels, conduits or wells from which   rivers, canals or other watercourses, including
       “Techniques” include both the technology used   “Emission controls” are controls requiring a spe-  pollutants are or may be discharged;  groundwater flow, coastal disposals and outfal-
       and the way in which the installation is desig-  cific emission limitation, for instance an emis-                       ls, disposal under the seabed with access from
       ned, built, maintained, operated and dismant-  sion limit value, or otherwise specifying limits   “Diffuse  sources”  means  sources  of  pollution,   land, or through runoff;
       led                                  or  conditions  on  the  effects,  nature  or  other   other than point sources, from which substan-
                                            characteristics of an emission or operating con-  ces enter the environment as a result of land   ii)  Inputs  of  polluting  substances  transported
       “Best environmental practice (BEP)” means the   ditions which affect emissions;     run-off, precipitation, atmospheric deposition,   through  the  atmosphere  into  the  marine  en-
       application of the most appropriate combina-                                        drainage, seepage or by hydrologic modificati-  vironment  of  the  Black  Sea  from  land-based
       tion  of  environmental  control  measures  and   “Emission  limit values”  means  the  mass,  exp-  on or destruction of habitats.  sources under the conditions defined in Annex
       strategies; “Coastal area” means the part of the   ressed in terms of certain specific parameters,                      III;
       land affected by its proximity to the sea, and   concentration  or  level  of  an  emission,  which
       that part of the sea affected by its proximity   may not be exceeded during any one or more                             iii) Activities that may directly or indirectly af-
       to  the  land  as  to  the  extent  to  which  man’s   periods  of time. The  emission  limit values  for               fect the marine environment or coastal areas
       land-based activities have a measurable influ-  substances  shall  normally  apply  at  the  point                      of  the  Black  Sea  such  as  works  which  cause
       ence on water chemistry and marine ecology;  where the emissions leave the installation, dilu-                          physical alteration of the natural state of the
                                            tion being disregarded when determining them;                                      coastline, including alteration or destruction of
       “Harmful activity” means any activity which is                                                                          the landscape or habitats.

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