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        2. The Contracting Parties shall collaborate in  regulations, seek the participation of affected
        establishing  a  regional  monitoring  program- persons in any review process conducted pur-  1. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate, bila-  tion and control of pollution of the marine en-
        me as well as compatible national monitoring  suant to paragraph 2 above, and, where practi-  terally or, where appropriate, on a regional ba-  vironment and coastal areas from land based
        programmes, and in facilitating data and infor- cable, publish or make available relevant infor-  sis through the Commission in the prevention,  sources and activities.
        mation storage, retrieval and exchange.  mation obtained in this review.           control and elimination of pollution of the mari-
                                                                                           ne environment and coastal areas of the Black  Article 16
        3. Information referred to in paragraph 1 abo-  Article 13                         Sea from land based sources and activities.  Reporting
        ve shall be made available by the Contracting
        Parties to the Commission, as provided for in  Exchange of Information             2. In conformity with Article XV of the Conven-  1. Each Contracting Party shall submit to the
        Article 19 of this Protocol, at regular intervals                                  tion,  the  Contracting  Parties  shall  encourage   Commission annual reports on measures adop-
        to be agreed by the Contracting Parties.  The Contracting Parties directly or through the   cooperation in scientific and technological fiel-  ted for the implementation of this Protocol in
                                            Commission shall exchange on a regular basis   ds related to pollution from land-based sources
        Article 12                          information and develop systems and networks   and  activities,  particularly  in  research  on  in-  a format to be determined by the Commission.
                                                                                                                                The Commission shall make them available to
                                            for the exchange of information to facilitate the   puts, pathways, fates and effects of pollutants
        Environmental Impact Assessment     implementation of this Protocol.               and  on  the  development  of  new  methods  of   all Contracting Parties.

        1. The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to   Article 14                         pollution  prevention,  control  and  elimination,  2. Such reports shall include, inter alia:
        develop and adopt regional guidelines and en-                                      including the development and application of   a) Information on legal and regulatory measu-
        hance corresponding national regulations con- Public Participation                 cleaner production approaches to this effect.  res, action plans, programmes and other steps
        cerning the assessment of the potential envi-  1. The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to   3. The Contracting Parties shall promote coo-  taken for the implementation of this Protocol,
        ronmental impacts of land-based projects and   promote the participation of the public in me-  peration, directly or through the Commission,  its  Annexes  and  recommendations  adopted
        activities including those likely to cause serious                                 with those Contracting Parties which request it  thereunder;
        transboundary impact and review and update   asures  that  are  necessary  for  the  protection   in obtaining assistance for the implementation
        those guidelines as appropriate.    of the marine environment and coastal areas    of this Protocol particularly to:    b) Data on the quantities of substances of con-
                                            of the Black Sea from land-based sources and                                        cern discharged from their territories;
        2. Each Contracting Party shall introduce and  activities,  including  environmental  impact  as-  a)  Develop  scientific,  technical,  educational   c) Statistical data on the authorisations granted
        apply procedures of environmental impact as- sessments,  and  in  decision-making  processes   and  public  awareness  programmes  and  train   in accordance with Article 7 of this Protocol;
        sessment  of  any  planned  land-based  activity  relevant to the implementation of this Protocol.  scientific, technical and administrative person-
        or project within its territory or under its regu-                                 nel;                                 d) Data resulting from monitoring as provided
        latory control that is likely to cause significant   2. Each Contracting Party shall, in accordance                     for in Article 11 of this Protocol;
        adverse  effect  on  the  marine  environment  or   with its national laws and regulations, facilita-  b) Provide technical advice, information and ot-  e) Information on activities altering the coast-
        coastal areas of the Black Sea.     te public access to the information concerning   her assistance; and
                                            conditions of the marine environment and co-                                        line, habitats within coastal areas and related
        3. The implementation of activities and proje- astal  areas  of the  Black  Sea,  measures taken   c)  Identify  and  approach  potential  sources  of   watersheds;
        cts referred to in paragraph 2 above shall be  or planned to be taken to prevent, control and   financing for projects necessary to implement   f) Information on results achieved in the elimi-
        made subject to a prior written authorisation  reduce pollution.                   this Protocol.                       nation and control of pollution from Hot spots;
        from the competent authorities of the Contra-                                      4. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate with   and
        cting Party, which takes fully into account the  Article 15                        international  organisations,  programmes  and
        findings and recommendations of the environ-  Cooperation and Assistance           instruments relevant to the prevention, reduc-  g) Information on general results achieved and,
        mental  impact  assessment.  Each  Contracting                                                                          if the case arises, difficulties encountered in the
        Party  shall,  subject  to  its  national  laws  and                                                                    implementation of this Protocol. 3. Information
                                                                                                                                provided pursuant to paragraph 2 above, which
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