Page 62 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 62

Urban Transformation Forecasts with Artificial Intelligence
                                        Based Algorithms

               Two  different  scenarios  were  tried  at  the  stage  of  dividng  the  data  into
            training, verification and test sets. In the first scenario, data was divided into
            series. In other words, the first 13 years of the 19-year data set in total was
            prepared for use in the training of models, the next three years of data for
            verification of models, and the remaining three years of data set for use in the
            testing phase of models. As a result of the preliminary analyses, the desired
            accuracy results could not be obtained from the test data set due to the fact
            that the data reached peak values especially in recent years. In the second
            scenario, mixed selection of data was prefered. In this scenario, in order for
            all years to be represented in the training, verification and test data sets, the
            first three periods of the first year were chosen for the training, final period
            for the verification period and the first period of the next year for the test
            data set. This series were continued and it was ensured that different periods
            from each year were included in the training, verification and test data sets.
            After the analyses, it was determined that acceptable results were achieved.
            The method for dividing the data into training, verification and test data for the
            second scenario is given in Table 1 with various emphasis. The data contained
            in  the  table  were  taken  from  the  web  page,  indicated  below,  of  the  Turkish
            Statistical Institute (TUIK), Directorate for Strategy and Budget, Central Bank of
            the Republic of Türkiye for the periods 2021-2022.
                      Table 1.Division of data into training, verification and test sets

                  Number   GNP    Inflation   Interest   Population   Number   Number of   Surface
             Years  of    (Dollars)  (%)   (%)   (persons)  of Flats   Licenses   Area
                   Periods                                 (Pcs)   (Pcs)  (Decar)
                              Independent variables           Dependent variables
             2002    1    45301324  78     53    64218179  20891   7123    5145
             2002    2    47439134  47     45    64336061  46398  10011    10272
             2002    3    56361790  41     47    64453942  41654  11412    8964
             2002    4    57446317  31     44    64729000  52977  18548    11804
             2003    1    51790485  35     46    64947500  26162   8236    6374
             2003    2    65581641  30     43    65166000  49885   8831    10860
             2003    3    84459948  19     38    65384500  57089   8955    12494
             2003    4    77059665  14     30    65603000  69718  15320    15787
             2004    1    78423366  8      26    65802500  58981  11316    14122
             2004    2    78072083  7      31    66002000  71307   7063    14627
             2004    3    94225432  8      30    66201500  84145   8288    16626
             2004    4    96371724  9      26    66401000  116013  14125   24342
               .     .      .      .      .         .       .       .       .

                                                                 Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023  51
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67