Page 182 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 182

Resilient Cities From Geodesign Perspective:
                                    The Case of Şanlıurfa Province

            earthquake, as they would turn into new graves. The evaluation of Geodesign
            as an important helper in this process will significantly shorten the planning


               Since  2016,  a  group  of  researchers  has  been  continuing  their  work  with
            a GIS-based Geodesign approach. The project results using this approach
            reveal that this methodology can provide promising results ensuring to make
            current  urban  and  regional  planning  much  more  efficient.  Participation  of
            various stakeholders easily in the planning process without requiring to be
            an  expert  in  planning  and  relevant  Geomatics  technology  constitutes  the
            strengths  of  this  approach.  As  a  prominent  advantage,  it  allows  decision-
            makers, without having any professional background in this field, to see the
            results of decisions regarding the major development projects and the overall
            development goals set for their regions.
               One of the goals of Geodesign is to involve all stakeholders in the planning
            process. Since the needs of all stakeholders will be taken into account it will
            be possible to find a common ground. Besides, considering that the basic
            needs determined by human biology, such as the functioning of the human
            brain, are met, it is a fact that all people think in at least three dimensions.
            With its ability to respond to this need, Geodesign also provides an important
            physiological benefit in itself.
               The latest Geomatics technologies, such as highly sensitive 3D modeling,
            play  an  important  role  when  it  comes  to  displaying  spatially  relevant
            information. In most cases, 3D models can only be displayed on 2D monitors
            or, again, on large screens that are originally two-dimensional. Virtual Reality
            is the only tool that allows the user to view and experience 3D models - for
            example, by walking around the model - directly and without converting from
            2D to 3D (or vice versa). Widespreading of this technology in the future will
            allow faster viewing of future scenarios and, more importantly, will prevent the
            loss of information caused by the complex conversion of 2D models into 3D
            models in the human brain. Moreover, the production of a system in which
            Geodesign  and  virtual  reality  will  be  fully  integrated  with  a  project  to  be
            launched soon at Harran University will bring along important achievements.
               In addition, it is important that protective and preventive measures should
            be taken against possible natural disasters in Sanliurfa province; and before
            making decisions about these measures, a joint study should be conducted
            with the principles of Geodesign, which is designed for complex situations with
            different software programs and provides achievements in many applications,
            especially with the participation of local government and its stakeholders.

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