Page 132 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 132

Seismic Isolation in Earthquake -
                              Resistant Structural Design for Resilient Cities

               Initial rigidity, k , is taken into account as a virtual rigidity, which is a very
            high  value  in  calculations.  The  secondary  rigidity,  as  given  in  Equation  (1)
            (TBDY (2018), Equation 14B.2) is calculated as such:

               In the sample model, the average P  (G+nQ)  load imposing on the insulators
            is 4992.62 kN. Characteristic strength for the selected nominal effective friction
            coefficient 0.08 and the effective radius of curvature R =6.9 m is calculated
            as F =0.08×4992.6=399.4  kN  and  k =4992.62/6.9=723.6  kN/m.  Another
            parameter, k  the value that is needed in the computer model can be taken a
            high value (for example, 400~500 times of F ).
               Effective rigidity (k ) as given in Equation (3) (TBDY (2018), Equation 14B.3),
            the effective damping ratio ( β ) as given in Equation (4) (TBDY (2018), Equation
            14B.4), the radius of curvature can be obtained depending on the coefficient
            of friction and displacement:

               In  this  case,  at  the  DD1  earthquake  level,  if  the  target  displacement  is
            considered  to  be  40.4  cm  using  nominal  characteristics  (the  final  value  is
            obtained as a result of iteration), it is found as k =1697.7 kN/m and β =0.365.
               Damping Scaling Coefficient (η), is calculated as given in Equation (5) (TBDY
            (2018), Equation 14.32) depending on the the effective damping percentage
            (ζ)  calculated  for  isolator  displacements  at  the  DD1  and  DD2  earthquake
            ground motion levels:

               Here, at the DD1 earthquake level, ζ= 36.5% was achieved by the above
            calculation made with nominal parameters, but according to Article
            of  the  TBDY  (2018)  the  effective  damping  ratio  is  limited  to  ζ=30%,  the
            damping scaling value using this value is obtained as η=0.535.

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