Page 7 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 7

ABDÜSSAMET AYDIN    Ecosystem Based Adaptation Activities to Climate Change for
                 NECATİ CEM AKTUZ   Sustainable Agriculture

                 İBRAHİM YENİGÜN    Exemplary Civilization in Sustainable Water Management from
                      VİLDAN BALCI  The Perspective of Environmental History: The Ottoman State
                ABDULLAH YENİGÜN
                     SİNAN UYANIK

              NUR SİNEM PARTİGÖÇ    The Role of Smart City Approach in Sustainable Urban Planning
                            182/197  Processes

                     ORHAN TOPAL    Emergency Response Approaches for Electric and Hybrid
                           198/215  Vehicles in Turkey

                    GÜL ASLI AKSU   Evaluation of Surface Runoff Risk in The Frame of Landscape
                           216/245  Pattern: The Case of Kastamonu Central District

                    CİHAN ERÇETİN   Environmental Sustainability and Cycling
                           246/277  As A Transport Mode: Best Pracices

                  ZEYNEP ÖZDEMİR    Investigation of Urban Green Areas from the Framework of
                 MERVE ÖZKAYNAK     Sustainable Urbanization on the Case of Amasya

                     ORHAN TOPAL    An Exemplary Approach in The Framework of The Public
                           302/319  Procurement Law No. 4734 for Electric Bus Purchases By Local
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