Page 48 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 48

Environmental Policies and Sustainable Development
                                     in The World and in Türkiye

               Consequently, I can say that we are facing a very high social cost
            urbanization that does not provide benefits to any segment of society, except
            for organized or unorganized rent-seeking.  It seems that there is an obligation
            to make a new definition of the concepts of society and public interest in the
            context of the environment and urbanization.  The solution seems to depend
            on becoming a  society of law  which consists of individuals and managers
            adopting the urbanisation, environment and civic culture and respecting the
            ethical values. And this, of course, is not a longing that can be achieved in the
            blinkling of an eye. It depends on the close support of our non-formal and
            formal education institutions.

               Short References

               Des Jardins, Joseph, (Çev. R. Keleş), Çevre Etiği: Çevre Felsefesine Giriş, İmge Yay.,
               Ankara, 2006
               Keleş, Ruşen, Territorial Governance and Environmental Protection: Vol.1: Urban
               Sprawl and Sustainable Urbanization, Cappadocia University Press, Ürgüp, 2022.
               Vol.II: Writings on Urban and Environmental Issues (Ecological Concerns and
               Sustainable  Development  ,  European  Union  and  Turkey,  Urban  Transformation,
               Disaster Management, Smart Cities, Cooperative Law, Protection of Cultural Values,
               İstanbul, Coastal Management, Ethical Duties)
               Keleş, Ruşen (Der.), İnsan, Çevre, Toplum, İmge Yay., Ankara, 2017 (3. Baskı). Keleş,
               Ruşen and Can Hamamcı, Çevre Poltikası, İmge Yay., Ankara, (6. Baskı).
               Keleş,  Ruşen  ve  Ömer  Faruk  Gençkaya,  Yerel  Yönetimlerde  Etik  Mevzuatı  ve
               Uygulaması, Marmara Belediyeler Birliği, İstanbul, 2022.
               Keleş, Ruşen, 100 Soruda Çevre: Çevre Sorunları ve Çevre Politikası, Yakın Kitabevi,
               İzmir, 2019 (3. Baskı).
               Lepage, Corinne, (Çev. R. Keleş ve C. U. Çiner), Başka Türlü Yaşamak, İmge Yay.,
               Ankara, 2021

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