Page 45 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 45

Ruşen Keleş

            resulted in the extension of the Ministry’s name a little more, is sufficient to meet
            expectations, will depend on the nature of the steps to be taken in this direction,
            which time will show.
               Despite the fact that many states have assumed responsibility for climate
            change, some states, especially the United States, have consistently avoided
            assuming responsibility for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However,
            in international environmental conventions, under the name of “Common,
            but differentiated responsibility”, it is clearly emphasized that the countries
            conducting polluting activities should have a large share of responsibility. It is
            known that the European Union has a position in favor of limiting greenhouse
            gas emissions.
               Türkiye, on the other hand, ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2009 with the Law
            No. 5836. The main reason for the failure in the worldwide implementation of the
            Kyoto Protocol is the insistence on prioritizing national interests and selfishness in
            international relations. Parties gathered for the first time for a common purpose
            during the 21  Conference of the Parties of Framework Convention on Climate
            Change and agreed on the text of the Paris Agreement. The main objective
            of the agreement, as is known, is to control climate change by keeping global
            warming below 2 degrees Celsius. Paris Agreement, which entered into force in
            2016, had already been signed by 187 out of 197 states by 2019.
               In  Stockholm  Conference  on  the  World  Environment  in  1972,  a  certain
            number of South American diplomats argued that there were two types of
            pollution forming the basis of the environmental problems, that the pollution
            encountered in the underdeveloped countries was “pollution arising from
            poverty” while it was “pollution arising from abundance (wealth)” in developed
            countries, and that the priority should be given to the acceleration of the
            development rather than preventing or cleaning the pollution.
               The policies which focus on development and prioritize the elimination of
            poverty, of course, are of great importance. However, “sustainability” which
            was developed under the leadership of the United Nations since the 1980s and
            finally expressed in the Brundtland Report titled Our Common Future in 1987,
            means “meeting today’s needs and expectations without compromising the
            needs and expectations of future generations”. The concept of sustainability,
            which is regarded as the balance of preservation – utilization was expressed
            70 years prior to this report,  by “the real statesman”, the great leader Mustafa
            Kemal Atatürk in these words: “the people cannot live on their land as the sole
            owner of property rights; they should keep in mind that the next generations
            have also utilisation and exploitation right on this land.”
               In the Environmental Law no. 2872 which entered into force in 1983, the
            purpose of the policy to be followed is set out as “protection, improvement

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