Page 47 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 47

Ruşen Keleş

                  additional principle has also been introduced that allow radio and TV
                  shows to address the issues regarding the importance of environment
                  and rising the awareness on environment.
               •   It is a provision on the law that those who are harmed or made aware by
                  an activity that degrages and pollutes environment can make a request
                  to the official authorities to stop such activities.
               •   Solutions will be sought with the liberal tools of market mechanism
                  for the applications related to the protection of environmental values,
                  protection of pollutions and improvement of the environment.
               Besides the Environmental Law, Municipal, Coastal, Forestry, Bosphorus
            Laws as well as Soil Protection and Land Use, Nuclear Power Plants, Protection
            of Cultural and Natural Properties Laws are among such laws. There are also
            various international agreements to which we are a party and that are legally
            binding on our country on environmental issues. These include the Convention
            Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural Heritage (Paris, 1972), the
            European Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage (Granada,
            1985), and the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological
            Heritage (Valetta, 1997). Regarding these subjects, we have to adhere to the rules
            of some European institutions such as the European Union where we are kept
            waiting at its door as a candidate country, and European Council and OECD. In
            this scope, it is an obligation that those who are responsible for implementing
            the environment policy should take into account the following rights indicated
            in the international Environmental Law such as “common heritage of
            humanity”, “common but differentiated responsibility”, “environmental rights
            of next generations”, “right to  information”, “participation”  and “resort to
            the judgement” rights which are the inseparable assurances of environmental
            right as the right of human as well as Article 74 of Constitution of the United
            Nations which necessitates the good neighbour relations.
               We clearly see that globalization, as in all areas, reduces the chances of
            achieving the goals set by national policies as desired in the fields such as
            urbanization, environment, forestry, tourism, urban lands, historical, cultural
            and natural assets. Since all policies and especially the implementation are
            determined within that framework, the principle of sustainable development
            and even the rule of national sovereignty can sometimes remain on paper. The
            balances between conservation and use, ecology and economics, individual
            interests and social interests, long-term interests and short-term interests, and
            more importantly, “discourse and “action” can be distorted in a while.
               And future generations may gradually lose their right to benefit from the
            values of culture, nature, history, environment and architecture. The housing
            right  (M.57)  and  the  Environment  (M.56)  rights  set  out  in  our  Constitution
            remain as idelas that are almost impossible to achieve.

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