Page 32 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 32

Sustainability in The Era of Türkiye

            to drip irrigation systems in agriculture, underground dam applications to
            prevent evaporation, rainwater harvesting, reuse of treated wastewater, and
            grey water applications. In the same way, wastewater treatment activities
            have been supported, and 50% support for energy expenditures has been
            increased to 100% in order to support the reuse of treated wastewater.

               Key Actor in Zero Emission: Sink Areas

               In the fight against climate change, the global problem, sink areas such
            as forests and seas have an extremely important role by naturally removing
            greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere in addition to reducing
            emissions and by acting as stabilizing factors, especially in the net zero
            emission target.
               With the increasing number of treatment technologies and facilities and
            the widespread use of landfills and recycling activities in Türkiye, land-based
            wastes have been prevented from reaching the seas, and the common use
            of services of waste collection from marine vessels at more than 325 points,
            which were put into service after 2005, has enabled the protection of the seas,
            which is one of our important sink areas. In addition, with the integrated marine
            monitoring studies (Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change,
            2022)  carried  out  at  more  than  500  points,  Türkiye  has  become  one  of  the
            pioneering countries in Europe and the leading ones in the world, and it has
            ranked third in the world (TÜRÇEV (Foundation for Environmental Education),
            2022) with 531 blue flag beaches, which are indicators of clean seas. The zero
            waste blue movement has been initiated to ensure the continuity of protection
            activities, and also important steps have been taken towards carbon neutrality by
            declaring the inland sea of Türkiye, the Marmara Sea, as Special Environmental
            Protection Area (SEPA) (Presidential Decision on Declaring the Marmara Sea
            as SEPA, 2021).
               According  to  the  report,  “Global  Forest  Resource  Assessment  2020”
            (FAO,  2020)  published  by  the  Food  and  Agriculture  Organization  of  the
            United  Nations,  Türkiye  ranked  first  in  Europe  and  6th  in  the  world  in
            terms  of  afforestation  activities  in  the  2010-2020  period.  Thus,  Türkiye  has
            strengthened its sincerity and efforts in this respect and has increased the size
            of the protected areas 3 times over the last 20 years, accounting for 12% of
            the country’s surface area.

               Green Transformation Accompanied by Digital Transformation
               Looking at world history, we see that technological developments are the
            main factor for the transformations in the industry.  We are currently going
            through a period in which digitalization is developing rapidly.  The pandemic,
            the effects of which are still ongoing, has also accelerated this transition.

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