Page 296 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 296

Investigation of Urban Green Areas from The Framework of
                             Sustainable Urbanization on The Case of Amasya

               Within the scope of searching for answers to the determined goals and
            problems, a literature search was first conducted on urban open green spaces
            and sustainable urbanization. In the theoretical part of the study, the planning
            standards of green areas according to the population of cities, neighborhoods
            and local areas are included. The field research section was established based
            on the standard data regarding the need for green space required in urban
            settlements obtained from the literature review. In this context, the existing
            green areas located in the city center of Amasya were identified on maps and
            the data obtained as a result of the analyses were examined comparatively.

               2. Sustainable Urbanization and Green Spaces
               Rapid  urbanization  and the resulting population growth  due to the
            changes  and transformations of  the cities after  the industrial  revolution,
            poor neighbourhoods emerging as a result of the air and environmental
            pollution which are one of the characteristics of industrial cities, the reckless
            consumption of scarce resources, rapid sprawl of cities due to rapid economic
            growth and the resulting increase in the concrete structures have started to
            threaten  the  existence  of  green  spaces  in  cities  (Gül  and  Küçük,  2001:28;
            Sandal et al., 2014:157; Yürük, 2022:35). In addition, the rapid growth of the
            urban population has caused serious consumption needs in all countries of
            the world. In order to meet the consumption needs, natural environment was
            damaged in such a way to threat the humanity (Sezgin and Varol, 2012:273-
            275).  In  line  with  these  concerns,  various  conferences  were  organized  and
            important reports were prepared to ensure the sustainability of cities, with
            the participation of all the countries throughout the world. (Kayhan, 2013:62).
            The first of these was the Stockholm Conference in 1970. It was, for the first
            time, emphasized that the natural environment should be protected and that
            we will fail to pass the resources down to the future generations if we don’t
            stop this current situation (United Nations, 2022). Soon after, the Brundtland
            Report was published in 1987 and the ‘sustainable development’ approach
            was expressed (WCED, 1987). Following that, sustainability approach
               which balances the protection of natural environment and economic
            developments was put forward in Rio Summit and Agenda 21 Conferences in
            1992, in UN Human Settlements Conference-Habitat II in 1996, in UN Millenium
            Summit in 2010, Rio+20 Summit in 2012 (Ministry of Environment, Urbanization
            and Climate Change, 2022; Yılmaz Turgut, 2021:21). And in 2016, sustainable
            development goals were defined for the year 2030 under the Agenda 2030 (UN-
            HABITAT, 2020). Sustainable urbanization is highlighted because the impacts
            of constantly increasing urbanization on the environment and people have not
            been reduced despite ongoing discussions on the sustainable development
            since 1970 to the present. In the scope of the 2030 sustainable development

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