Page 24 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 24

Sustainability in The Era of Türkiye

            hydroelectric power plants in the past, and consequently, the total share of
            renewable resources in the installed power was increased to 54% according
            to the data of December 2022 of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation
            (TEİAŞ) (Reports on Plant Installed Power, 2023). With these figures, Türkiye
            has risen to the twelfth place in the world and the first five in Europe in terms
            of installed capacity renewable energy in electrical energy production.
               Undoubtedly, the driving factor in the transformation has been to decrease
            dependence on fossil fuels, and emissions causing air pollution and climate
            change, and to focus on domestic and renewable sources by reducing
            dependence on foreign sources in production. At this point, Law No. 5346
            (Law  on  Utilization  of  Renewable  Energy  Resources  for  the  Purpose  of
            Generating Electrical Energy, 2005), which was enacted in 2005, called the
            Renewable Energy Resources Law in short, has become the cornerstone of
            the transformation in energy. In other words, the green transformation in
            energy commenced in 2005.
               Investments have been promoted by the government via the regulations
            such  as  the  Renewable  Energy  Resources  Support  Scheme  (YEKDEM)
            developed  after  2011  and  the  Renewable  Energy  Resource  Areas  (YEKA)
            Model  (Regulation  on  Renewable  Energy  Resource  Areas,  2016)  that  was
            put into effect after 2016. Also, by offering additional incentives to domestic
            components and equipment, the domestic production of equipment has
            been ensured and hence there has been an exponential increase in renewable
            energy investments throughout the years.
               In the last 20 years, Wind Power (WPP) Production Capacity has increased
            from 19 MW to 11,200 MW; Solar Power (SPP) Production Capacity from zero
            to 9 thousand MW; Geothermal Power (GPP) Production Capacity from 17
            MW to 1,680 MW; Biomass Power (BPP) Production Capacity from 27 MW to
            2 thousand 170 MW, and Hydraulic Power (HPP) Production Capacity from 12
            thousand MW to 32 thousand MW. Consequently, it has been ensured that
            the installed capacity of renewable energy has risen from 12 thousand MW
            to 56 thousand MW with an increase of more than 3.5 times in the last twenty
            years alone. That is to say that the renewable energy investments realized in
            this period corresponded to around 1.5 times the total electricity installed
            power of Türkiye in 2002 (Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation, 2023).
               The  fact  that  33  thousand  MW,  which  accounts  for  60%  of  55  thousand
            MW installed power of renewable energy of Türkiye, is within the scope of
            YEKDEM,  according  to  the  data  obtained  from  Energy  Exchange  Istanbul
            (EXIST), is a significant fact that shows the effectiveness of this policy (Reports
            on Plant Installed Power, 2022). On the other side, with a view to benefiting
            from the potential  of Türkiye  surrounded by seas  on three sides,  and to

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