Page 22 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 22

Sustainability in The Era of Türkiye

               In this respect, many regulations have been implemented in thematic areas
            such as energy, industry, buildings, transportation, finance and waste, and hence
            the pressure on the environment has been reduced considering the welfare
            of the people. Although Türkiye is a developing country, emission generation
            has been limited as much as possible, and new job opportunities and serious
            employment potentials have been created upon the implementation of green
            technologies. Especially renewable energy investments in electrical energy,
            clean production in industry, industrial symbiosis, zero waste movement,
            developments in solid waste and waste-water management, promotion of
            micro-mobility in transportation, district heating systems and recovery of waste
            heat, and environmental labelling system are just some of these practices.
               Furthermore, long-term strategy documents, especially on the fight against
            climate  change,  have  been  prepared  and  the  National  Green  Deal  Action
            Plan (Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye, 2021) was drawn up and put
            into effect in July 2021. Undoubtedly, the most prominent issue in the Plan,
            which includes 32 targets and 80 actions under 9 main fields, and addresses
            the  areas  such  as  the  fight  against  climate  change,  a  green  and  circular
            economy, carbon border adjustments, zero pollution, sustainable agriculture/
            transportation and clean energy, has been carbon border adjustment.  The
            efforts for establishing an ETS (emission trading system) on a national basis
            in  Türkiye, have been accelerated because Türkiye, which has a great market
            relationship  with  the  European  Union,  has  been  influenced  by  this  carbon
            border  adjustment  mechanism  adopted  by  the  EU  for  allocation  of  an
            additional carbon emission fee, in case there is no ETS or carbon tax in the
            relevant country for certain product groups imported from outside the EU, in
            order to make the ETS implemented since 2005 more dynamic, to maintain
            competitiveness on an industry basis and to combat climate change more
            effectively on a regional basis.
               The activities have been carried out for a long time to establish a national
            emissions trading system in Türkiye. In order to internalize the issue that
            has been studied for 10 years, for a healthy practice that will not harm the
            competitiveness of Türkiye on a global and regional basis, multi-dimensional
            stakeholder analyses have been performed. Currently, the EGD has acted as a
            catalyst in this process, and with the support of the industrialists, it is aimed to
            establish and implement a national ETS in the near future. Also, a climate law
            that will form the legal infrastructure of the carbon-neutral target of Türkiye
            has been drafted, and a climate council has been convened for the first time in
            Türkiye to create a healthy legal infrastructure in this respect, and its outputs
            have enlightened the draft of climate law (First Climate Council, 2022).

                                                                Year 2 / Issue 3 / January 2023  7
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