Page 127 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 127

Zeki Ünal Yümün - Erol Kam - Melike Önce

            sea snot is more acidic than sea water. It was found that when nitrogen and
            phosphorus were added, pH value increased and the environment became
            more acidic. Marine creatures are fitted to live in the aquatic environments
            with basic characteristics, but it is difficult for them to adapt to living in an
            acidifying environment. It was observed that conductivity of sea water
            increased after the nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer was added (from -68,7/-
            58,5 mV to -8,3-14,8 mV). On the other hand, it was detected that the electrical
            conductivity of sea snot increased from 18.1 MV to 36.00 MV.

                        Physical Properties of Sea Water and Mucilage in Marmara Ereğlisi
                           M Maarrmmaarraa  EErreeğğlliissii  DDeenniizz  SSuuyyuu  vvee  MMüüssiillaajj  FFiizziikksseell  ÖÖzzeelllliikklleerrii
                20  22,5   24   18,1  24,5  22,5  24   16,12  27,5
                    7,97  7,13  6,7   6,4  8,15  7,25  7,13  6,94  7,3  7,03
                 0               0    0                1,22  1,21  2    -2,2
                     S-1  -8,3  S-3   S-4   S-5   S-6  S-7   S-8   S-9  S-10
                -20                              -14,8            -18,5
                -60  -58,5
                             Ph     İletkenlik (mV)  Oksijen (ppm)  Tuzluluk (%0)
                                                            Salinity (0%)
                                                Oxygen (ppm)
                    Figure 6. Physical properties of sea water and mucilage in Marmara Ereğlisi
                                      (Yümün and Kam, 2021)
               Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers used in agriculture reach the seas
            by surface or underground transmission and reduce the pH value of the seas
            and increase the electrical conductivity. This situation may contribute to the
            stress of algae and other phytoplankton living in the seas. Sudden warming
            of sea water, variation in the food chain, increase in the population of living
            things, competitive conditions are also among the conditions required for the
            production of phytoplankton mucilage. Elemental analysis was performed
            using ICP-OES method on the water sample taken from the clean area of the
            Marmara Sea (S-1) and the water sample from the mucilage contaminated
            zone (S-5) and the concentration values of the elements were determined. In
            the measurement results, the measurement values of some elements (Mn, Zn,
            Al, Cu, As, Pb, Cd, Hg, Mo, Co, Fr, Sb, Bi, Ni) are below the measurement limit.
            According to the measurement results, it is understood that the concentrations
            of some elements (K, P, Ca, Mg, B, Fe, Zn) are above normal values (Table 3).

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